#KamalaKhan resurrected as an X… Person? Co-written by #MsMarvel #ImanVellani
#KamalaKhan #MsMarvel #imanvellani
#MsMarvel star #ImanVellani writing a #KamalaKhan comic—actual young Pak-Am Muslim woman writing about a Pak-Am Muslim teen. Also the character’s being resurrected via comic logic https://ew.com/books/iman-vellani-writing-new-ms-marvel-comic/
#MsMarvel #imanvellani #KamalaKhan
#KamalaKhan ﷺ capes for #PavitrPrabhakar, straight Bollywood yaar :D https://twitter.com/moonknightcore1/status/1660588605612466178
Marvel VR demo of #KamalaKhan’s magic choodi, with realistic #desi arm hair #wwdc
@CSB I got hyped for it for some reason. It was good to see #KamalaKhan again; I kinda liked her show although the plot sucked (and some of the writing wasn't great). Her character is fun and I really liked what they did visually with the show.
I'm hoping it's as good as it looks in the trailer. And that a LOT of it will happen in space too.