#Regenwald.org In #Uganda gehen Behörden hart gegen Kritiker von #Erdöl-Projekten vor. Neun Studenten stehen in #Kampala vor Gericht, weil sie gegen die Pipeline #EACOP protestiert haben. Die jungen Männer sind lediglich auf Kaution frei und warten auf ihren Prozess. Der Vorwurf: ihre Demo habe öffentliches Ärgernis erregt. Dahinter stehen die Ölkonzerne #TotalEnergies aus #Frankreich und #China National Offshore Oil Corporation (#CNOOC). https://www.regenwald.org/petitionen/1269/uganda-protest-gegen-erdoel-pipeline-ist-nicht-kriminell?mtu=581694698&t=16799
#regenwald #uganda #erdol #Kampala #EACOP #TotalEnergies #Frankreich #china #cnooc
Burkina Faso photogallery click https://www.flickr.com/photos/marcodileo/sets/72157675518504774/ - photos are taken : #BurkinaFaso #Ouagadougou #BoboDioulasso #Tiébélé #Niansogoni #Gaoua #Banfora #Kampti #Po #Nazinga #Karfiguéla #Sindou #Fabédougou #Boromo #Kokologo #Ouahabou #Sianko #Loropéni #Serefedougou #Nobére #Kampala #Ipele #Sissili #Boni #Darsalam #Pissi #Loumana #Koubri #Pa #Sidéradougou #Houndé #Léo #Périgban #LabolaKassianra #Ouo #Sabou #Douna #Yakranyimasso #Tengrela #Soumousso
#burkinafaso #Ouagadougou #BoboDioulasso #tiebele #Niansogoni #Gaoua #Banfora #Kampti #po #Nazinga #karfiguela #Sindou #fabedougou #Boromo #Kokologo #Ouahabou #Sianko #loropeni #Serefedougou #nobere #Kampala #Ipele #Sissili #boni #Darsalam #Pissi #Loumana #Koubri #pa #sideradougou #hounde #leo #perigban #LabolaKassianra #Ouo #Sabou #Douna #Yakranyimasso #Tengrela #Soumousso
#TIL ...
"Early #Afrikaans developed as a pidgin from both #Dutch and #Malay. Its writing, pioneered mainly by religious teachers of Malay origin, was in the #Arabic script. Over time, the script was modified in parts to suit the needs of spoken Afrikaans. Arabic was the script of early Afrikaans from the 18th century. The first two written texts in Afrikaans were commentaries on the Qu'ran, their publication funded by the #Ottoman empire."
Why does this matter?
"Research on the written tradition in #Africa is relatively recent. Part of the reason lies in the wide acceptance of two assumptions: that Africa is an oral civilization, and that the literature written in Arabic is not part of African civilization."
"Reading Ibn Khaldun in #Kampala", Mahmood Mamdani, Journal of Historical #Sociology Volume 30, Issue 1: Ibn Khaldun - Theory and Methodology. March 2017, pages 1-106.
#TIL #afrikaans #dutch #Malay #arabic #Ottoman #africa #Kampala #sociology
Latest story by me. You never know what - or who - you’ll see in #Uganda ! Even Malcolm Turnbull! #auspol #Kampala #Vietnamese #banhmi #food #Africa #travel #streetfood #Oz #Australia #leaders
#uganda #auspol #Kampala #vietnamese #banhmi #food #africa #travel #streetfood #oz #australia #leaders
If you are on #Twitter, people in #Uganda are currently doing an online #KampalaPotholeExhibition - an example of amazing #activism when things get even harder for people there #eastAfrica #Africa #Kampala #cities #infrastructure
#twitter #uganda #kampalapotholeexhibition #activism #eastafrica #africa #Kampala #cities #infrastructure
Here’s my updated story that I filed just before I left #Kampala .Was in transit when I got a message from an activist friend saying it had gone through, hadn’t even arrived back. It’s lightning speed for this bill and lightning speed for legislation in #Uganda , sadly.
Uganda’s LGBT activists fight law making it illegal to be gay: ‘I’m not scared of going to prison’ #gayrights #humanrights
#Kampala #uganda #gayrights #humanrights
Happy #StPatsDay . By me for The Guardian. Thanks to Michael Flatley for the quote.☘️
Céilí in Kampala: the children learning Irish dancing in the slums of Uganda
#stpatsday #uganda #ireland #dancing #Kampala #africa
8k Hash run - past some racy lingerie and more. Don’t @ me for being slow, as we had to stop and I nearly had to be carried across a drain (Someone had a good game of cards)
#Kampala #Uganda #run #running #runners #eastAfrica #Africa #cities
#Kampala #uganda #run #running #runners #eastafrica #africa #cities
Up on the wall of a new #Vietnamese bread place in #Kampala its... former #Australian PM #MalcolmTurnbull #food #Uganda #auspol #Vietnam #southAsia #Asia
#vietnamese #Kampala #australian #malcolmturnbull #food #uganda #auspol #vietnam #southasia #asia
Service at the #Bahai temple in #Kampala #Uganda this morning . Beautiful temple, one of only seven global Baha’i temples, and the only one in #Africa #eastAfrica #religion #faith #culture #design #buildings
#bahai #Kampala #uganda #africa #eastafrica #religion #faith #culture #design #buildings
The army raided less than 25 villages on the border of #Kampala and #Kenya, burned down more than 500 homes, and burned down many villages in the western part of the country, as well as in the western part of the country. #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity
#crimesagainsthumanity #WarCrimes #kenya #Kampala