Well, the Kansas City Chiefs won again. This time they won an extra set of downs that ended the game for all practical purposes. Still, it was more impressive than the AFC Championship game, where they only won a single extra down.
I believe it is the influence of the Deep State (Farm) on behalf of their spokesperson Mahomes
#SuperBowl #PhiladelphiaEagles #KansasCityChiefs #NFL #conspiracy
#superbowl #philadelphiaeagles #KansasCityChiefs #nfl #conspiracy
1. Triomphe des #KansasCityChiefs au #SuperBowl LVII: grâce à une spectaculaire remontée en 2e période, les #Chiefs ont coiffé sur le poteau les #Eagles de #Philadelphie.
Et nous voici préservés de football américains jusqu'à l'automne prochain, ouf
#KansasCityChiefs #SuperBowl #chiefs #eagles #philadelphie
#NFL | Die #KansasCityChiefs haben den #SuperBowl gewonnen: https://derchotv.de/2023/02/13/nfl-kansas-city-chiefs-gewinnen-den-super-bowl/
#NFL #KansasCityChiefs #superbowl
Ein spannendes Finalspiel. Super Bowl 57 - die die Kansas City Chiefs haben in meinen Augen verdient gegen die Philadelphia Eagles gewonnen. Die Chiefs haben am Anfang starke Spielzüge gehabt. Haben dann nachgelassen und sind zum Schluss bärenstark zurückgekommen. Aber auch die Eagles waren super. Das beste Endspiel ever.
#superbowl #superbowl57 #sb57 tball #football4ever #ChiefsVsEagles #chiefs #eagles #KansasCityChiefs #PhiladelphiaEagles
#philadelphiaeagles #KansasCityChiefs #eagles #chiefs #chiefsvseagles #football4ever #sb57 #superbowl57 #superbowl
I hate it when a ref’s call decides any game. And that defensive holding call was shitty. #Superbowl2023 #philadelphiaeagles #KansasCityChiefs
#superbowl2023 #philadelphiaeagles #KansasCityChiefs
So es geht gleich los.
#Superbowl mit #KansasCityChiefs gegen die #PhiladelphiaEagles
#superbowl #KansasCityChiefs #philadelphiaeagles #nfl
Wir schauen gerade den Anfang vom #Superbowl als ich sagte mir ist es egal wer gewinnt, sagte @lunasfrauchen das Kansas City chiefs gewinnen soll. Sie sind in rot und weiss den Kölner Farben auf dem Feld und sie kommen aus einer Stadt mit K.
Muss ich jetzt #KansasCityChiefs #Kansasdie Daumen drücken?
#superbowl #KansasCityChiefs #kansasdie
I had forgotten about this but was reminded today. Back then, I initially thought it was a parody account. But it was indeed TFG not being too strong in geography. Wrong state! 😂😂😂 #superbowl #kansascitychiefs
Which state is rooting for which team in the superbowl. #philadelphiaeagles #kansascitychiefs #gobirds #flyeaglesfly
Source: https://at.tumblr.com/mapsontheweb/which-us-states-are-rooting-for-which-team-to-win/5e5attqijd8k via reddit
#philadelphiaeagles #KansasCityChiefs #GoBirds #FlyEaglesFly
Uncle Mingo serves a great Christmas dinner but Cousin Donna's pro linebacker boyfriend makes a faux pax which makes the occasion memorable indeed. Travel back in time with Gil Michaels to the holiday before the 1968 AFC Championship.
#NFL #Sports #Alameda #Raiders #Football #NonnaKate #UncleMingo #NewIslandMarket #KansasCityChiefs #CincinnatiBengals #SanFrancisco49ers #PhiladelphiaEagles #AlamedaDelicatessen
#nfl #sports #alameda #Raiders #football #nonnakate #unclemingo #newislandmarket #KansasCityChiefs #cincinnatibengals #sanfrancisco49ers #philadelphiaeagles #alamedadelicatessen
So far #PhiladelphiaEagles have continued to impress even and their strength of schedule is impressive because they’ve shown they can win on both sides of the football, high scoring games low scoring games clock management they’ve continued to prove why they are sitting at the top of the #nfl. The #BuffaloBills are the most complete team on paper but #KansasCityChiefs Mahomes is heading for another mvp bar the wheels don’t completely fall off. The #sanfrancisco49ers winning decisively with
#philadelphiaeagles #nfl #BuffaloBills #KansasCityChiefs #sanfrancisco49ers
On the positive side, the dog was up so early I got to see #kelce drag the #KansasCityChiefs to yet another victory, which is nice!
Here are some things I love-
#KansasCityChiefs #TennesseeTitans #Horror #ICENINEKILLS #TimBurton #GreenDay #Psych #Supernatural #Seinfeld #Photography #Writing #Poetry #BlackVeilBrides #MotionlessInWhite ect
#KansasCityChiefs #TennesseeTitans #horror #iceninekills #timburton #greenday #psych #supernatural #seinfeld #photography #writing #poetry #blackveilbrides #motionlessinwhite
Hi world! It’s good to be dealing with humans again.
Live: #SantaCruz, CA (transplant from #KansasCity and #Chicago)
Work: #risk #resilience — 20 years of consulting to corporates and #criticalinfrastructure. I happen to do a lot in healthcare and a lot of #enterpriseriskmanagement
Into: #hiking #trail running #surfing #motorcycles, #ChicagoCubs, #KansasCityChiefs #KansasJayhawks, reading news or just interesting stuff
#SantaCruz #KansasCity #chicago #risk #resilience #criticalinfrastructure #enterpriseriskmanagement #hiking #trail #surfing #motorcycles #ChicagoCubs #KansasCityChiefs #KansasJayhawks #RockChalk #introductions
Katastrophale Fehler der Trainer der #KansasCityChiefs zum Ende der 1. Halbzeit des #SuperBowl 🤦
Hoffentlich kann #PatrickMahomes das in der 2. Halbzeit nochmal gerade biegen 🤞
#GoChiefs 🏈 #NFL
#nfl #gochiefs #PatrickMahomes #superbowl #KansasCityChiefs