Accidentally the latest play we added to the 🇺🇦 collection of TEI-encoded drama is set in the region. Its original name is ‘Hunger’ and it describes the terrible famine of 1921-1922 in Ukraine. Soviet censors forced its author Mykola Kulish to rename the play to '97' and add a 'happy ending'. Kulish was executed in 1937.
97 is the number of poor peasants in a fictional village (and the number of measures of bread that appear in the 'happy ending'). Power struggle between 'the poor' and 'the rich' is the central conflict in this play. Automatic clustering of the social network shows the division between these two antagonistic groups almost without a flaw! Here, like in the famous , we have a gold standard: the author specified 'the poor' and 'the rich' in the cast list

#socialNetworks #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #digitalhumanities #KarateClub #Kherson #dracor

Last updated 2 years ago