Daniel LaRusso's 1984 win was so unexpected it shattered the space-time continuum, which directly leads to the karate-crazed antics of Cobra Kai. #popculture #movies #80s #cobrakai #KarateKid
#popculture #movies #80s #cobrakai #KarateKid
“The Karate Kid” was released on this date in 1984.
#KarateKid #cobrakai #eaglefang #baseballcards #cardart
Depending on the dentist visit today, I will record and post an Opal City Confidential and a My Legion Adventure this week. They just may come out late.#DCComics #Starman #LegionofSuperheroes #Superboy #KarateKid #Supergirl #LightLass #DarkCircle
#dccomics #starman #LegionofSuperHeroes #superboy #KarateKid #supergirl #lightlass #darkcircle
The Fatal Five have The Fatal Five have returned and they have taken over Talok VIII. The planet's champion Shadow Lass teams up with the Legion of Super-Heroes to free her world.
#LegionofSuperHeroes #DDComics #ShadowLass #SuperBoy #BrainiacFive #CosmicBoy #KarateKid #CurtSwan #JimShooter #NealAdams
#LegionofSuperHeroes #ddcomics #shadowlass #superboy #brainiacfive #cosmicboy #KarateKid #curtswan #jimshooter #NealAdams
@iraantlers the hole is a bit small but if Ralph Macchio can catch a fly with chopsticks.... #KarateKid #patience
Legion Worlds 5 Review!! Steeple!
#legionnaires #legionworld #ferro #KarateKid
Legion Worlds 5 Review!! Steeple!
#legionnaires #legionworld #ferro #KarateKid
A #ThrowBackThursday to the time when I got a signed autograph of one of my childhood heroes, Ralph Macchio from the original #karatekid films and #cobrakai series. I think this was at a comic con in London around 2014. #legend
#ThrowBackThursday #KarateKid #cobrakai #legend
A #ThrowBackThursday to the time when I got a signed autograph of one of my childhood heroes, Ralph Macchio from the original #karatekid films and #cobrakai series. I think this was at a comic con in London around 2014. #legend
#ThrowBackThursday #KarateKid #cobrakai #legend
I have a few top shelves around the home and office, but here are a couple from my house for the #MyTopShelf hashtag.
Yes, those are a bunch of signed Martin Kove publicity stills from #KarateKid and #Rambo. I won them in a charity silent auction at the Grammies, beating out Jason Mraz for the top bid.
Jason Stahl - As hokey as they look, Mr. Miyagi’s movie martial arts are rooted in the real thing:
#KarateKid #DanielLaRusso #CraneKick #MrMiyagi #MiyagiDo #CobraKai #WaxOnWaxOff #MuayThai #AndersonSilva #UFC #UFC126 #GōjūRyū #Karate #MartialArts #Movies
#movies #martialarts #karate #GōjūRyū #UFC126 #ufc #AndersonSilva #MuayThai #WaxOnWaxOff #cobrakai #MiyagiDo #MrMiyagi #CraneKick #DanielLaRusso #KarateKid
1. Staffel von #CobraKai auf #netflix gesehen und sehr positiv überrascht. Die Charaktere sind nicht so schwarz-weiß in Gut und Böse unterteilt wie im originalen #KarateKid, auch wenn ich von der Charakterentwicklung irgendwie an #StarWars denken muss.
Mal sehen, was Staffel 2 bringt...
#CobraKai #Netflix #KarateKid #starwars