Hörtipp: Im #DLF - Interview der Woche ist diesmal #Völkerrecht ler und u.a. special adviser des #IStGH- Chefanklägers #KarimKhan sowie Direktor der Institute für Strafrecht und Strafprozessrecht sowie für International Peace and Security Law der Universität zu Köln #ClausKreß .
Deutschland wird nach Ansicht des Kölner Völkerrechtlers Claus Kreß wegen seiner Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine nicht automatisch zur Kriegspartei. Die Rechtslage sei in dieser Frage ganz eindeutig, sagte Kreß im Interview der Woche des Deutschlandfunks.
#ruleoflaw #Ukraine #Russland #Krieg #Waffenlieferung #Waffenlieferungen
#waffenlieferungen #Waffenlieferung #krieg #russland #ukraine #ruleoflaw #ClausKreß #KarimKhan #IStGH #Volkerrecht #dlf
🇻🇪 #1Abril || Misa de réquiem en conmemoración del Ptte Maikol Douglas León Ramírez, en la sede de ésta Unidad Superior.
#Foro3RPuntoNets #Caracas #jorgearreaza #Güigüe #cortepenalinternacional #SanCristobal #KarimKhan #requiem #31Brigada
#1abril #Foro3RPuntoNets #caracas #jorgearreaza #Güigüe #cortepenalinternacional #sancristobal #KarimKhan #requiem #31brigada
🇻🇪 #1Abr || ¡Comunicación digital activa! #Foro3RPuntoNets
#PedroCarreño #Mango #Seniat #OPEP #CPI #KarimKhan #OcumareDeLaCostaDeOroQuédateEnCasa #ocumaredeltuy #PuebloAlegreYEnPaz #CortePenalInternaciinal #EstatutoDeRoma
#1abr #Foro3RPuntoNets #PedroCarreño #mango #SENIAT #opep #cpi #KarimKhan #OcumareDeLaCostaDeOroQuédateEnCasa #ocumaredeltuy #PuebloAlegreYEnPaz #CortePenalInternaciinal #EstatutoDeRoma
I assume that #KarimKhan was only talking about speed of 13(a) vs 13(c)+15.
Arts 18 and 19 are next step of possible delays. As you say, resource limitation (funds) +political pressure could apply. RU/US/IL could start own investigations against individuals suspected in UA/AF/PS cases. Pre-Trial Chamber would have to give override under 18+19.
Will RU/USUK/IL open official investigations charging Putin/BushBlair/Netany for #WarCrimes or #CrimesAgainstHumanity to delay process?
#KarimKhan #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity
UA is *not* party to #RomeStatute [1]. UA recognised #ICC jurisdiction in 2014/15 for 21 Nov 2013-open [2]. Prelim exam finished 2020. #KarimKhan now needed either: authorisation by ICC judges (slow); or referral by a party to ICC (fast).
Precedent: Citizens of the 39 states can now pressure govts to "refer" cases like ongoing #TigrayGenocide to ICC. Do #BlackLivesMatter ?
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_parties_to_the_Rome_Statute_of_the_International_Criminal_Court
[2] https://web.archive.org/web/20220301185612/https://www.icc-cpi.int/itemsDocuments/997/declarationRecognitionJuristiction09-04-2014.pdf + https://web.archive.org/web/20220225164308/https://www.icc-cpi.int/iccdocs/other/Ukraine_Art_12-3_declaration_08092015.pdf
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_the_Tigray_War
#blacklivesmatter #TigrayGenocide #KarimKhan #icc #romestatute