IIRC I tried and then deleted #Mapilio app because it required full-time cellular data for real-time upload.☹️😡👎
Issues: a) I don't have unlimited data, b) obviously, cellular isn't available everywhere, e.g. in canyons c) I want to browse, preview images and delete junk
I'd like Facebook's #Mapillary to have some robust competition. #KartaView isn't it.☹️ #OpenStreetMap #OSM
#OSM #OpenStreetMap #KartaView #Mapillary #mapilio
extraire des traces gpx du format chelou de méta données de #kartaview, et déduire les coordonnés GPS d'une série de photos correspondantes pour les y appliquer et envoyer le tout à panoramax. il y a un script pour ça :
scripts/kartaview_exif_mapper sur master - scripts - La forge Chapril
l'astuce pour exporter c'est de leur demander par mail.
#KartaView #node #typescript #exif #export
I've noticed that #Mapilio now appears as a street level imagery option in the #OpenStreetMap iD editor. How does it compare to #KartaView, particularly in how the data is licensed?
#mapilio #OpenStreetMap #KartaView
@bysariipek can you answer a couple of questions:
- is there any plan on becoming available on #Fdroid ?
- does it just create an overlay on existing OSM data or is it either directly integrated into the data set or come with the option to export the data ?
- how does it deal with conflicting OSM data ?
- are there options to connect to existing image sharing sites like #mapillary or #KartaView ?
- under what license do my uploaded photos fall ?
Kan også nevne at det finnes en del gatenivåbilder av bl.a. sykkelveier på #Mapillary og #KartaView, også i Norge, kanskje særlig i bystrøkene. Det er litt som Google Streetview, men med bilder tatt av frivillige, blant annet syklende :) Anbefaler å sjekke de ut hvis det er vanskelig å se fra Googles bilder.
A few words about Mapilio, the new alternative to Mapillary and KartaView (competitors(?) to Google Street View), but mostly on how to download the images published there
#Mapilio # Mapillary #KartaView #GoogleStreetView #Facebook #Meta #OpenStreetMap
#mapilio #KartaView #googlestreetview #facebook #meta #openstreetmap
Why I never heard of mapilio.com as an alternative to Mapillary and KartaView?
IMHO kenne ich mich seit Jahren ja doch recht gut aus zu Webdienste und Software für #openstreetmap #osm
aber wie kommt es, dass ich NOCH NIE etwas über den Dienst Mapilio gelesen habe?
(Fotos auf Straßenebene fortlaufend aufnehmen und auf einer Karte darstellen)
siehe https://mapilio.com/ #mapilio
Könnt es ein Ersatz für #mapillary und #kartaview sein?
Seit wann gibt es die denn?
Gibts dort einen Haken?
#openstreetmap #osm #mapilio #mapillary #KartaView
@sharinggoodmoments ah I was forgotting! 🙏🏼
Use #KartaView I'm pretty sure you'll love it since is the alternative a #googlestreetview 🤩🍀
@pmurphs #Mapillary mobile apps suck in umpteen different ways (:-( but #KartaView isn't even beta-quality software (opines this freelance software tester). Wishing #OpenStreetMap #OSM had a serious, professional image-gathering platform (:-(
#OSM #OpenStreetMap #KartaView #Mapillary
Si quieres aprovechar todas esas fotos que tomas con tu cámara de acción (#actioncam #gopro #garmin #insta360) o 360, te invitamos a subirlas a #mapillary y #kartaview.
Con eso, podremos usarlas para mejorar el mapa #openstreetmap
#actioncam #gopro #garmin #Insta360 #mapillary #KartaView #OpenStreetMap
@mvexel I used to upload to #Mapillary but stopped after Facebook bought them. I dislike Facebook and they broke SSO with #osm. So I only upload to #KartaView now.
@sharinggoodmoments thank you very much! 😍🙏🏼🍀
If you will use also "#KartaView" ( is the #googlemaps #opensource ) to map all the routes that you are going it will be super! ♥♥♥
#KartaView #googlemaps #opensource
@evelyn @bikes @mastobikes @fedibikes @cycling
I record photos, and then donate the imagery I collect to #Mapillary and/or #KartaView, to help improve #OpenStreetMap ¹.
That's one better way of using the photos rather than deleting them, and I know the local community makes use of them whenever they can.
¹ - that's the map you see in FB or Strava, and many other apps. It might take a few clicks to actually find that out. 🙃
#openstreetmap #KartaView #mapillary
Buongiorno @devol 🙂
Curiosità riguardo #OrganicMaps che voi sappiate, ma c'è la possibilità o ci sarà di cliccare su un luogo e vedere foto, video, #streetview come su #googlemaps?!
Già solo le foto del luogo farebbero la differenza 🙏🏻
Io nel frattempo continuo ad usare l'app per smartphone "#KartaView" per mappare tutte le strade e renderle libere ed accessibili a tutti 😊🙏🏻🍀❤️
#mastoaiuto #KartaView #googlemaps #streetview #organicmaps
Qualcuno conosce se i percorsi effettuati su #KartaView sono condivisibili in qualche modo? 🤔
Ma quanto è bello e soddidsfacente utilizzare #KartaView ?! 🤩
Oggi mi son registrato qualche strada andando in bicicletta ed è super soddisfacente sapere che sto così contribuendo a creare l'alternativa libera a #googlestreetview e di cui tutti potranno beneficiarne 😁🙏🏼🍀
Oggi ho provato l'app #KartaView che in sostanza è un progetto collettivo per raccogliere immagini delle strade 😁
E me ne sono innamorato! 🤩🙏🏼🍀 È un'ottima alternativa a #googlestreetview, ma qui le foto vengono usate (in modo più o meno automatico) per migliorare #OpenStreetMap, la mappa libera per eccellenza 🥰
Quindi oggi mi son messo in bici e ho registrato il percorso con la camera dello smartphone. Una volta avuto il Wi-Fi, avendo finito il percorso, ho cliccato su carica percorso🥳
#openstreetmap #googlestreetview #KartaView
Is there no opensource #streetView alternative? #mapillary and #kartaview at one point seemed to be that, but now they're both closed-source it seems. Neither are on #FDroid
Especially mapillary now belongs to an evil overlord (#facebook).
#facebook #fdroid #KartaView #Mapillary #streetview
si vous connaissez un moyen d'exporter ses photos de #mapillary, ou d'importer depuis #kartaview vers mapillary aussi ça m'intéresse.
L'outil de transfert https://osm.svimik.com/photosync/ ne fonctionne plus
Ja genau. Und deshalb meine Frage nach einer freien Alternative für #Mapillary und für #Kartaview.