Benny Powers · @i
120 followers · 510 posts · Server

This week's : was considered a master of "Honour thy Father and thy Mother" - so why did he marry Yehudith and Bosmath, the Knaani girls that so embittered his parents? Eisav only took his parents wishes into account after the over the was over, when had already fled to Padan Aram. Only THEN did he marry Mohalath, 's sister.

If Eisav was such a groise mechabed av, why didn't he take his parent's wishes into account from the get go?

#yishmael #yaakov #brachos #struggle #eisav #Kasha #Parsha #Torah

Last updated 2 years ago

Benny Powers · @i
92 followers · 397 posts · Server

This week's

In , I learned that promises of good or rewards in are guaranteed, but promises of punishments are not neccesary, they 're like warnings. So for example when promises success through the , it's guaranteed, but if He promises , it's possible to avoid it.

If so, then why did so many try to calculate the of slavery? Why didn't they just say "The warning no longer applied after ~200 years"

#400years #Rishonim #exile #Navi #Hashem #Tanakh #yeshiva #Judaism #LechLecha #Parsha #Kasha #Torah

Last updated 2 years ago