This week's #Torah #parsha #kasha: #Eisav was considered a master of "Honour thy Father and thy Mother" - so why did he marry Yehudith and Bosmath, the Knaani girls that so embittered his parents? Eisav only took his parents wishes into account after the #struggle over the #brachos was over, when #Yaakov had already fled to Padan Aram. Only THEN did he marry Mohalath, #Yishmael's sister.
If Eisav was such a groise mechabed av, why didn't he take his parent's wishes into account from the get go?
#yishmael #yaakov #brachos #struggle #eisav #Kasha #Parsha #Torah
This week's #Torah #Kasha #Parsha #LechLecha #Judaism
In #yeshiva, I learned that promises of good or rewards in #Tanakh are guaranteed, but promises of punishments are not neccesary, they 're like warnings. So for example when #Hashem promises success through the #Navi, it's guaranteed, but if He promises #exile, it's possible to avoid it.
If so, then why did so many #Rishonim try to calculate the #400years of slavery? Why didn't they just say "The warning no longer applied after ~200 years"
#400years #Rishonim #exile #Navi #Hashem #Tanakh #yeshiva #Judaism #LechLecha #Parsha #Kasha #Torah