RT @MarianoGiustino: Arrestata la famosa attrice iraniana #KatayounRiahi con l'accusa di "diffusione di contenuti falsi" e "contributo a disturbare l'opinione pubblica e creare caos".Continua senza sosta la repressione del regime contro chi sostiene le proteste
@RadioRadicale #Turchia #IranRevolution
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/marcocappato/status/1594693059870167041
#KatayounRiahi #Turchia #IranRevolution
Hours after the arrest of actress #HengamehGhaziani in Iran, a media outlet close to Revolutionary Guards has announced the arrest of celebrated actress #KatayounRiahi, with charges of "spreading false content" & "helping to disturb the public mind and create chaos"
کانال تلگرامی خبرگزاری تسنیم، رسانه نزدیک به سپاه پاسداران، روز یکشنبه ۲۹ آبان از بازداشت #کتایون_ریاحی، بازیگر سینما و تلویزیون، با اتهامهایی چون «انتشار محتوای کذب» و «کمک به تشویش اذهان عمومی و آشوب» خبر داد.
#wordcup2022qatar #fifa2022qatar
#hengamehghaziani #KatayounRiahi #کتایون_ریاحی #مهسا_امينى #worldcup2022 #FIFA2022 #worldcup #wordcup2022qatar #fifa2022qatar #wordcupqatar #riptwitter #saturday
RT @NazaninBoniadi@twitter.com
The quote is credited to the incredibly brave and prominent Iranian actress #KatayounRiahi. She, #TaranehAlidoosti and others have shown great courage in standing in solidarity with #MahsaAmini and the people of Iran. They risk not only their careers but their lives. https://twitter.com/postlive/status/1592591698617507840
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NazaninBoniadi/status/1592684168806567938
#mahsaamini #taranehalidoosti #KatayounRiahi