Kate Griffin. Little Brown. (496p) ISBN 9781841497334

I have several books I reread if I get into a bit of a rut and find myself unable to read, A Madness of Angels is one of them.

Familiarity is one of the main reasons, but this is such a great example of urban fantasy with a great original premise that it still grabs me and excites me after all this time (2009).


#bookreview #KateGriffin #bookstodon #books #MatthewSwift #bookish

Last updated 2 years ago

AllieCat · @AllieCat
203 followers · 239 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
AllieCat · @AllieCat
178 followers · 194 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Finally diving into the series. I hope it gets better because the protagonist's attitude towards women could definitely use some work. Not unenjoyable, though I don't really get the hype. When it comes to and , does it better imo.

#RiversofLondon #magic #london #KateGriffin #reading #readingforpleasure #fiction #fantasy #benaaronovitch #novels

Last updated 2 years ago