My favorite line from Mare of Easttown? That's easy.
"Did I f*ck like a grandma?"
#TVQuotes #KateWinslet #MareOfEasttown
This 1955 jukebox hit sung by #ConnieFrancis "Scapricciatiello" ("Do You Love Me Like You Kiss Me") is lip-synched here by #KateWinslet in this raunchy but charming slice of NYC #ItalianAmerican sex and courtship. #JamesGandolfini is Kate's love object. Listen / download song here: View movie here:
#conniefrancis #KateWinslet #ItalianAmerican #jamesgandolfini
Who wore it best? #titanic ##KateWinslet #Leo #geese #babyanimals #Flying
#titanic #KateWinslet #Leo #geese #babyanimals #Flying
Couldn't believe there was not more attention paid to it, then I realized: "Ah. 2020."
The wikipedia entry said it grossed something like $90,000. So it is one of those object lessons for the people in suits: "Don't bet on the artist." But is this case it really was a superb bet to make, and I hope people get a chance to see it on Netflix. One of the best things #KateWinslet has done that I've seen.
Looking for a gem of a #film with a superb performance from #KateWinslet?
One that deserved, but got no, Oscar buzz -- because it was released as the pandemic sucked up all the oxygen and all the audience members?
Look no further than #Ammonite. It is on #Netflix here in Ireland, which I assume means it's on Netflix in lots of other places as well.
Superb piece of work that merits multiple viewings. You don't stumble across those very often. Now you have.
#film #KateWinslet #ammonite #netflix
It's a year since my co-edited volume on #ToddHaynes came out from #DukeUnivPress, and it's time for their 50% off sale! So here is my shameless pitch for those of you who haven't got a copy yet. You get half off all your Duke books if you use coupon code SPRING23 through April 17.
You can order from the US site (; if you're outside the US, from #CombinedAcademicPublishers (
This book was a labor of love for the editors and contributors, so I hope it can reach its readers. Thanks all for buying, liking, supporting, reviewing, and boosting. :heart_cyber:
#Film #IndieFilm #QueerFilm #FeministFilm #FilmStudies #Feminism #Whiteness #TelevisionStudies #HBO #KillerFilms #NewQueerCinema #JulianneMoore #CateBlanchett #KateWinslet #ChristineVachon #Carol #VelvetGoldmine #FarFromHeaven #Safe #SuperstarTheKarenCarpenterStory #Wonderstruck #DottieGetsSpanked #ImNotThere #MildredPierce @movies @queerstudies @filmeundserien @film @filmstudies
#ToddHaynes #dukeunivpress #combinedacademicpublishers #film #indiefilm #QueerFilm #feministfilm #filmstudies #feminism #whiteness #TelevisionStudies #hbo #killerfilms #newqueercinema #juliannemoore #cateblanchett #KateWinslet #christinevachon #carol #velvetgoldmine #farfromheaven #safe #superstarthekarencarpenterstory #wonderstruck #dottiegetsspanked #imnotthere #mildredpierce
This 1955 jukebox hit sung by #ConnieFrancis "Scapricciatiello" ("Do You Love Me Like You Kiss Me") is lip-synched here by #KateWinslet in this raunchy but charming slice of NYC #ItalianAmerican sex and courtship. #JamesGandolfini is Kate's love object. Listen / download song here: View movie here:
#conniefrancis #KateWinslet #ItalianAmerican #jamesgandolfini
Happy Valentine's. "On Top Of The World". #valentine #titanic " #LeonardoDecaprio #KateWinslet
#KateWinslet #leonardodecaprio #titanic #valentine
Sunak reshuffle: PM expected to reshape government departments
#sunak poised to re-arrange the deck-chairs.....
Will the band play on?
Was #Truss auditioning to play #kateWinslet to his #leonardoDiCaprio ?
can this shoddy remake get to the end credits without the #fatController blundering onto the screen like a mashup with #kingKong
#Sunak #truss #KateWinslet #leonardodicaprio #fatcontroller #KingKong
The Palace, la miniserie è HBO è in arrivo: il primo piano di Kate Winslet è davvero incredibile!
he Palace: la serie limitata HBO era stata annunciata già qualche tempo fa. Le prime notizie, infatti, risalgono a luglio del 2022: lo show è stato annunciato come ennesima collaborazione tra il can...
#03Febbraio #SerieTV #HBO #KateWinslet
#KateWinslet #hbo #serietv #03febbraio
Leonardo DiCaprio torna al cinema a bordo del Titanic e accanto a Kate Winslet per il 25° anniversario del kolossal di James Cameron. Dal 9 febbraio, infatti, il film dei record – 11 Premi Oscar vinti e ancora tra le storie più viste del grande schermo – approda (è il caso di dirlo) nelle sale itali...
#15Gennaio #PeopleCelebrity #Entertainment #LeonardoDiCaprio #KateWinslet
#KateWinslet #leonardodicaprio #entertainment #PeopleCelebrity #15gennaio
Mooi dit🤗 en zo heurt t!
#empathie #stoppressuring #katewinslet #hero ✌️
Kate Winslet onderbreekt gesprek om jonge interviewster te helpen: ‘Je kan het!’
#hero #KateWinslet #stoppressuring #empathie
Herbekijkvoer - 1 euro bij de #kringwinkel
#thereader #katewinslet #CurrentlyWatching
#CurrentlyWatching #KateWinslet #thereader #kringwinkel
#橙雨伞 微博:
- 转发 @字幕少女 : 凯特·温斯莱特回忆当初《泰坦尼克号》热映时,媒体对她体重的挑剔和嘲讽(说杰克之所以无法一起趴在门板上,是因为萝丝太胖了)。
“如果时光倒回,我会对媒体做出截然不同的回应:你们不可以这么对待我。这是对年轻女性的霸凌。” #跨年电影愿 #katewinslet :sys_video: 字幕少女的微博视频
#橙雨伞 #跨年电影愿 #KateWinslet #女权剪报 #女权 #feminism #女权主义
So how is the #AvatarTheWayOfWater sequel doing at the box office? 🤔🥶
#JamesCameron #KateWinslet
#avatarthewayofwater #jamescameron #KateWinslet
“The Holiday,” but fast forward through all of Cameron Diaz’s scenes.
#Holiday #christmas #badacting #movies #KateWinslet #jackblack #christmasmovies #bestchristmasmovies #films #film #movie
#Holiday #christmas #badacting #movies #KateWinslet #jackblack #christmasmovies #bestchristmasmovies #films #film #movie
Surrealist artist, model, inspiration, and photographer Lee Miller to be played by Kate Winslet in an upcoming film.
#photography #surrealism #reporting #film #LeeMiller #KateWinslet
#KateWinslet #leemiller #Film #reporting #surrealism #Photography
@sirber that reminds me of #celinedion #leonardodicaprio and #KateWinslet
#celinedion #leonardodicaprio #KateWinslet
'Avatar: The Way of Water': James Cameron's new big bet
#Avatar #Avatar:TheWayofWater #JamesCameron #KateWinslet #Blockbuster #Hollywood
#hollywood #blockbuster #KateWinslet #jamescameron #avatar
[1992] Get Back - Sitcom following the Sweet family, led by father Martin, played by Ray Winstone, a self-made man who lost his money in the recession of the early 1990s and has to downsize. It is notable for the early appearance of Kate Winslet, who played one of the daughters. First episode.
#OldBritishTelly #raywinstone #KateWinslet