I am currently on the last book of the Winternight Trlogy from Katherine Arden. I've been reading one book a winter for the last few years. If you are intrigued by folklore (Russian, in this instance) I highly recommend it. The first two books have been fantastic, and the third seems to be keeping up the quality so far.
#winternighttrilogy #KatherineArden #bookrecs
My plans for the weekend
#bookstodon #books #thebearandthenightingale #KatherineArden
#bookstodon #books #thebearandthenightingale #KatherineArden
Ok, so #FavouriteAuthors. This list is by no means exhaustive, but:
#KateGriffin (fantasy)
#favouriteauthors #kateatkinson #IsabelAllende #BerylBainbridge #PeterAckroyd #PaulGallico #LouiseErdrich #barbarakingsolver #mariebrennan #LilaBowen #joditaylor #JenWilliams #SGMcLean #NnediOkorafor #KateGriffin #naominovik #KatherineArden #atticalocke #TracyChevalier #EstherFreud #AnnieProulx #books #bookcommunity #bookstadon
Okay a non-exhaustive #bookstodon authors:
#bookstodon #nealstephenson #joeabercrombie #jamessacorey #MercedesLackey #beckychambers #KatherineArden #scifi #fantasy
Favorite authors list (fiction)
There are way more but that's a start
#bookstodon #tkingfisher #seananmcguire #neilgaiman #KatHoward #robinhobb #LydiaKang #SimoneStJames #NaomiNovik #sarahgailey #tadwilliams #MariaDahvanaHeadley #KBWagers #KatherineArden #AlixHarrow #ErinMorgenstern