Kathy Rain (PC) Day 3 playthrough
#JimtheSFN #KathyRain #ClifftopGames #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#jimthesfn #KathyRain #clifftopgames #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
Kathy Rain (PC) Day 1 - Day 2 playthrough
#JimtheSFN #KathyRain #ClifftopGames #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#jimthesfn #KathyRain #clifftopgames #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
No nose ring?
Honestly, with all the gameplay and coding imperections, I absolutely love #KathyRain game.
It's a real and emotional version of #FullThrottle. It's a loner biker game with the bikes.
@thedaemon #BlackwellDeception #Primordia #MonkeyIsland2 #DayoftheTentacle #GabrielKnightSinsoftheFathers #BrokenSwordShadowoftheTemplars #SamandMaxHitTheRoad #Harvester #Sanitarium #CurseofMonkeyIsland #KathyRain #IHaveNoMouthAndIMustScream #ThimbleweedPark #FlightoftheAmazonQueen I have even more but this message is already too long lol
#blackwelldeception #primordia #monkeyisland2 #dayofthetentacle #gabrielknightsinsofthefathers #brokenswordshadowofthetemplars #samandmaxhittheroad #Harvester #Sanitarium #CurseofMonkeyIsland #KathyRain #ihavenomouthandimustscream #thimbleweedpark #flightoftheamazonqueen
@ramon_wilhelm #SimontheSorcerer #ThimbleweedPark #BlackwellSaga by #WadjetEyeGames #Primordia #FlightoftheAmazonQueen #IHaveNoMouthAndIMustScream #Harvester #TheWardrobe #Sanitarium #KathyRain #BrokenSword #LittleMisfortune
#littlemisfortune #brokensword #KathyRain #Sanitarium #thewardrobe #Harvester #ihavenomouthandimustscream #flightoftheamazonqueen #primordia #WadjetEyeGames #blackwellsaga #thimbleweedpark #simonthesorcerer
#GamesIPlayed #KathyRain #ClifftopGames #PointandClick #AdventureGame #AdventureGames
The 44th game I played on my Youtube channel I have yet to revisit this game on my #Twitch channel but I most likely will eventually.
#twitch #adventuregames #adventuregame #pointandclick #clifftopgames #KathyRain #GamesIPlayed
#11 (2022-04-05) #KathyRain
Not quite what I expected from the game's aesthetic (including what I'd seen of marketing materials), but that's not a bad thing.
A pretty great adventure game from Clifftop Games with a cool protagonist and a (to me) MOSTLY perfect puzzle difficulty
@WintaireJae I play a lot of PC games but I also play a lot of other console games on an emulator on the PC.
Favorite PC titles : #MonkeyIsland2 , #TheUltimateDoom, #ShovelKnight, #BlackwellLegacy, #BlackwellUnbound, #BlackwellConvergence, #BlackwellDeception, #TheBlackwellEpiphany, #KathyRain,
Umm wow this list got longer than I wanted to and this isn't all of them either lol
#dayofthetentacle #brokensword #blood #KathyRain #theblackwellepiphany #blackwelldeception #blackwellconvergence #blackwellunbound #blackwelllegacy #shovelknight #TheUltimateDoom #monkeyisland2
And we are continuing the #SteamDemoExtravaganza. #KathyRain looks good but I'm already too dumb to solve the first riddle. But if I weren't it would be a lot of fun.
#SteamDemoExtravaganza #KathyRain