Rep. Porter Plays "JeoparDOD" to Expose Waste at the Pentagon(video)..#KatiePorter..#Empire..#endlesswar
#KatiePorter #empire #endlesswar
Congresswoman & Author of 'I Swear: Politics Messier Than My Minivan' Takes Literary Survey
Rep. Katie Porter's Book Recommendations via "Elle"
Image: Portrait by David Roth/illustration by Yousra Attia--via "Elle"
#KatiePorter #Books #Reading
#DianneFeinstein Announces Retirement #AdamSchiff #KatiePorter #BarbaraLee #Senate #Election2024 #politicaliq #news #politics
#diannefeinstein #adamschiff #KatiePorter #barbaralee #senate #election2024 #politicaliq #News #politics
It's whiteboard time.
#katieporter #elizabethwarren #tedcruz #lindseygraham #democrats #voteblue #progressives #progressive #calpol #california
Elizabeth Warren is backing Katie Porter for Senate. Who else is ready for Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham to share some quality time white a whiteboard? (Pictured: 2001 Harvard Law graduation photo with Porter and Warren, Porter with whiteboard, and Graham/Cruz posing together)
#KatiePorter #elizabethwarren #TedCruz #lindseygraham #Democrats #voteblue #progressives #progressive #calpol #california
Rep. Katie Porter, a high-profile progressive in Congress, on Tuesday launched a campaign for the Senate seat of fellow #California Democrat Dianne Feinstein, who hasn’t announced whether she’ll seek another term in 2024..#KatiePorter..
I just tried to donate, but it wouldn't accept it. I will try again later. Soooooo glad Katie's running for Senate.
I just gave to #KatiePorter for #Senate
To see details and contribute now, please go to:
NEW: Like vultures circling, would-be successors have spent years eyeing the seat of Sen. Dianne Feinstein and moving their moves. By formally announcing her candidacy, Orange County Rep. Katie Porter has put the race where it belongs, in front of California voters.
#Congress #California #Senate #Politics #CaliforniaPolitics #KatiePorter #DianneFeinstein
#congress #california #senate #politics #californiapolitics #KatiePorter #diannefeinstein
Just spoke with Rep. Katie Porter who, after stating her respect for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, praise for the path she helped blaze for women in politics, made plain she won't back off a primary challenge
"If the senator decides to run for another term... I will still be in this race."
#Congress #California #CaliforniaPolitics #KatiePorter #DianneFeinstein #Senate
#congress #california #californiapolitics #KatiePorter #diannefeinstein #senate
#KatiePorter Announces Run for #Senate #politicaliq #news #politics
#KatiePorter #senate #politicaliq #News #politics
My favorite picture from the whole ridiculous and embarrassing fiasco: Rep. Katie Porter & her brilliant choice of reading materials.
#katieporter #repkatieporter #speakervote #speakerfiasco #subtleartofnotgivingafuck #houseofrepresentatives #nationaldisgrace #mccarthy
#KatiePorter #RepKatiePorter #speakervote #speakerfiasco #subtleartofnotgivingafuck #houseofrepresentatives #nationaldisgrace #mccarthy
One has to love how "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck" becomes "a book" in the hands of the prudish MSM of the U.S.
#KatiePorter #uspolitics #housespeaker
@stopgopfox it was called for her? Oh my god i can start breathing again. We can't lose her. #katieporter
I'd heard that #KatiePorter is the projected winner for her CA seat, but that there are still a lot of ballots to count? Come on, Katie Porter! May the rest of the ballots cast be bright shiny blue because I'd miss her white board of doom!