Hao Yin · @HaoYin
222 followers · 249 posts · Server qoto.org

Striking Pulmomary in
3 case+2 Ctrl
Thickened+Broken elastin in hyalinizing arterial wall😎

Thbs1-hi CD163+ non-canonical Monocyte in fatal COVID! To activate platelet only?🧐
Dr. Kiyoshi Hirahara & Toshinori Nakayama labs PNAS 2022

Plasma MYL9 level corr. with COVID severity!

And look at these crazy MYL9/12+ thrombi in small pulmonary arteries😬

What's the role of MYL9, a contractile protein, in platelets?

This leads me into another wonderland (🐰hole)

Platelet-deposited MYL9/12 as Luminal scaffold guiding T-cell migration!?😈

Dr. Toshinori Nakayama lab Sci Immunology 2016

Another intriguing paper on leukocyte vs arterial mural cell-derived MYL9/12 & 😆

Increased Myosin light chain 9 expression during Vasculitis

Dr. Motoko Kimura & Hiromichi Hamada labs Front Immunol 2022

#vasculitis #KawasakiDisease #COVID19 #SmoothMuscleCell

Last updated 2 years ago