#LeavventurediLupinIII Il debutto dell’inafferrabile Arsenico #LupinIII risale al 1967 sulle pagine del settimanale #Futabasha frutto del genio del disegnatore #MonkeyPunch (al secolo #KazuhikoKato ) Visto il successo del #manga, venne deciso di realizzare una serie animata per la televisione in 23 puntate. A dirigerla vennero chiamati #HayaoMiyazaki, #IsaoTakahata e #MasaakaOsum... http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=2172 #mastoserie #serietv
#leavventuredilupiniii #lupiniii #futabasha #MonkeyPunch #KazuhikoKato #manga #HayaoMiyazaki #isaotakahata #masaakaosum #mastoserie #serietv
RT @TaraBillinger@twitter.com
In honor of #KazuhikoKato AKA #MonkeyPunch‘s Birthday as well as the reveal of #part6 & the 50th anniversary of the #LupinTheThird anime, @CountZachulaaa@twitter.com and I made an eye catch as a tribute. 🎊🐒
#WELOVEルパン三世 #ルパン6 #ルパン三世 #次元大介 #lupinIII @TMSent_jp@twitter.com @tmsanime@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TaraBillinger/status/1397613560130195462
#lupiniii #次元大介 #ルパン三世 #ルパン6 #WELOVEルパン三世 #lupinthethird #part6 #monkeypunch #KazuhikoKato
RT @TaraBillinger@twitter.com
In honor of #KazuhikoKato AKA #MonkeyPunch‘s Birthday as well as the reveal of #part6 & the 50th anniversary of the #LupinTheThird anime, @CountZachulaaa@twitter.com and I made an eye catch as a tribute. 🎊🐒
#WELOVEルパン三世 #ルパン6 #ルパン三世 #次元大介 #lupinIII @TMSent_jp@twitter.com @tmsanime@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TaraBillinger/status/1397613560130195462
#lupiniii #次元大介 #ルパン三世 #ルパン6 #WELOVEルパン三世 #lupinthethird #part6 #monkeypunch #KazuhikoKato
Blu-ray Review - 'Lupin III: The First' (2020) http://hub.me/ao0Cd Lupin III: The First has a digital release date of December 15th and a physical release date of January 12th. It’s gorgeous and amazing and you should totally watch it. #LupinIIITheFirst #moviereview #LupinIII #anime #animation #TonyOliver #RichardEpcar #LexLang #MichelleRuff #DougErholtz #TakashiYamazaki #MonkeyPunch #KazuhikoKato #3DCG #comedy #action #adventure #heist #Movies #GKIDS #Toho #newrelease
#LupinIIITheFirst #moviereview #lupiniii #anime #animation #TonyOliver #RichardEpcar #LexLang #MichelleRuff #DougErholtz #TakashiYamazaki #monkeypunch #KazuhikoKato #3dcg #comedy #action #adventure #heist #movies #gkids #toho #newrelease