#Kdenlive 23.08.0 is released packed with an array of fixes, enhancements, and optimizations.
#Kdenlive #videoediting #FLOSS
🎥 Showcase 🎬
TROM II: A Message to the Aliens is a 4 parts (5 hours) documentary edited with #kdenlive by @tio
Check it out!
#Kdenlive #FLOSS #videoediting #videomaking
🎥 Showcase 🎬
The Lost Color by Kris Limbach is an experimental feature film shot only with available light mostly in dark nights and edited with #kdenlive.
Check it out!
#Kdenlive #FLOSS #videoediting #videomaking
#Kdenlive 23.08 Beta available for testing! This version fixes many regressions introduced in the last release and aims to bring a cycle of stability by fixing bugs and improving our code test suite. That means no new features.
#Kdenlive #videoediting #FLOSS
@kdenlive contributors Jean-Baptiste Mardelle and Eugen Mohr tell us how KDE's video editor came to be, the hurdles it had to overcome over its 20-year history, and how each got involved in the project this fascinating interview:
I'm editing a 1920×1080 video with #Kdenlive 23.04.1 on #Ubuntu 22.04 using the official PPAs.
The video is super slow (feels like it's playing at 10fps instead of 30fps). I activated proxies and selected 360p in the clip/project monitors, but got zero improvement.
What am I doing wrong?
My hardware: Intel i5-4570 CPU, AMD RX580 GPU, 16GB of RAM, 4k screen@3840×2160.
(The video in question plays without any problem in mpv)
#Kdenlive 23.04.2 is out with many bug fixes and enhancements to #Whisper and #Vosk subtitling engines. Also resolves various issues related to timeline sequences, project archiving, subtitle display, motion tracker, color wheel effect, and rendering.
#videoediting #artWithOpenSource WithOpenSource
#Kdenlive #whisper #Vosk #videoediting #artWithOpenSource
KDE-jev Kdenlive ( @kdenlive ) je odprtokodna programska oprema za urejanje videoposnetkov, ki uporabnikom omogoča, da ustvarjajo profesionalne videoposnetke.
Kako se lotiti dela s Kdenlive, vam v spodnjem videu predstavi mentor Matjaž Ugovšek (Društvo Duh časa), ki v okviru projekta Na-prostem.si vodi delavnice in usposabljanja.
🎞 https://video.na-prostem.si/w/8bba734b-411a-4ce0-83ca-69c4ee686810
#Kdenlive #video #OdprtaKoda #ProstoProgramje #NavodilaZaUporabo #navodila #vodič #pomoč #KDE
#Kdenlive #video #odprtakoda #prostoprogramje #navodilazauporabo #navodila #vodic #pomoc #KDE
#Kdenlive 23.04 is out with nested timelines, Whisper engine support, new effects and transitions and much more.
Go check it out:
#kdenlive has an awesome feature of rendering video to gif.
This image is 5.4MB
This is a thing that I've noticed with #tinygo this program counts up with uint64, but never manages to go above 1400. Even int16 supposed to count up to at least 32k.
I suspect this might be a bug in tinygo LLVM implementation, as I've heard arduino micro pipeline need some work.
I have a 10 seconds video to edit. I just spent the last 2 hours trying to find one version of #Kdenlive that works on my computer (Ubuntu 22.10). Tried several official AppImage, PPA, even package in the official repos. Nothing works. The application crashes as soon as it tries to generate the thumbnails for the video, with an obscure "=== GOT THUMB FOR: -1 x -1".
Super sad.
The combined power of #Kdenlive and #Glaxnimate in action. Get the template shared by community member @berndmj from the KDE Store:
The combined power of #Kdenlive and #Glaxnimate in action. Get the template shared by community member berndmj from the KDE Store:
@Sofasophia Which version of Kdenlive are you using btw? Please note we have a support group on Matrix (#kdenlive:kde.org) and Telegram (https://t.me/kdenlive).