Originally posted by The Tor Project / @torproject@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/torproject/status/1645868260624306176#m
Сегодня в Жанаозене, #Казахстан, был отключен интернет во время протестов за права рабочих. Если вы находитесь в Казахстане, мы советуем вам загрузить и протестировать Tor, пока ситуация не переросла в национальное отключение интернета. #KeepItOn
Referenced link: https://mega.nz/file/0X012ZDB
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1601216619438538758#m
مقاومت و ایستادگی مردم جلوی حکومت بچهکش جمهوری اسلامی آنها را وادار به اعمال سانسور شدید اینترنتی کرده، بطوری که تنها شرکت #رایتل در نامهای خبر از دست رفتن روزانه ۱۴میلیارد ریال از درآمد کلی این شرکت را میدهد.
#رایتل #زن_زندگی_آزادی #مهسا_امینی #KeepItOn
RT @NarimanGharib@twitter.com
By looking at the popular apps in Google Play market in #Iran, you can guess whats going on in Iran. Currently @Torproject@twitter.com is the first popular app in the country. If you can help TorProject team, please do.
#MahsaAmini #KeepItOn
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NarimanGharib/status/1573333280505663489
#KeepItOn #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی #Iran
RT @IranIntl_En: #BREAKING The Iranian people's internet access in the cities of Saqqez, Marivan and Sanandaj has been seriously disrupted amid #IranProtests over the death of #Mahsa_Amini in custody of the Islamic Republic's morality police.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/BasBelderMEP/status/1571214056794497024
#BREAKING #IranProtests #Mahsa_Amini #MahsaAmini #KeepItOn #InternetShutdown
"O desligamento da Internet viola os direitos fundamentais das pessoas, incluindo a liberdade de expressão e o acesso à informação, permitindo que os governos encubram as atrocidades contra as pessoas". Felicia @accessnow combate #internetshutdowns e #KeepItOn. @UNHumanRights
RT @eu_eeas: "Internet shutdowns violate fundamental rights of people, including freedom of expression and access to information, they enable governments to co…
RT @eu_eeas: "Internet shutdowns violate fundamental rights of people, including freedom of expression and access to information, they enable governments to cover up atrocities against people". Felicia works with @accessnow to fight #internetshutdowns and #KeepItOn. @UNHumanRights
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1559105180968570880
"Internet shutdowns violate fundamental rights of people, including freedom of expression and access to information, they enable governments to cover up atrocities against people". Felicia works with @accessnow to fight #internetshutdowns and #KeepItOn. @UNHumanRights
Lee el Informe de @UNHumanRights 👇
#OHCHR #InternetShutdown #KeepItOn
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1542574380538011651
#OHCHR #InternetShutdown #KeepItOn
¿Alguna vez has experimentado un #InternetShutdown ?
Esto sucede con demasiada frecuencia, en demasiadas partes del 🌍. Las consecuencias para las personas y las economías son inmensas.
La coalición #KeepItOn documentó 931 cierres entre 2016 y 2021 en 74 países. ⤵️
RT @eu_eeas: Ever experienced an #InternetShutdown? This happens too often, in too many parts of the 🌍. Consequences on people & economies are immense.
#KeepItOn coali…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1542571235967729670
RT @eu_eeas: Ever experienced an #InternetShutdown? This happens too often, in too many parts of the 🌍. Consequences on people & economies are immense.
#KeepItOn coalition documented 931 shutdowns between 2016-2021 in 74 countries.
Read #OHCHR @UNHumanRights report👇
#InternetShutdown #KeepItOn #OHCHR
Ever experienced an #InternetShutdown? This happens too often, in too many parts of the 🌍. Consequences on people & economies are immense.
#KeepItOn coalition documented 931 shutdowns between 2016-2021 in 74 countries.
Read #OHCHR @UNHumanRights report👇
#InternetShutdown #KeepItOn #OHCHR
RT @theGNI
Actions taken by the military in #Myanmar to block social media sites and shut down access to information and communication services represent a significant, unjustified, and disproportionate escalation of restrictions on #freedomofexpression: https://globalnetworkinitiative.org/network-service-restrictions-myanmar/. #KeepItOn
#KeepItOn #freedomofexpression #Myanmar
RT @RajneshSingh
Evolving situation in #Myanmar with #Internet connectivity also affected. From contacts on the ground, connectivity is a bit erratic depending on provider & type of access. #Mobile appears to be the most affected. #InternetShutdowns #netgov #keepiton
#KeepItOn #netgov #internetshutdowns #mobile #Internet #Myanmar
Organizations on #KeepItOn network including SMC released a resolution calls on the WHO to ask India, Pakistan, Myanmar and Bangladesh to end the Internet shutdown in the wake of #COVID19.