@Juicyfranck +9001%
I always ask those wanting me to unmask if tjey'd be able and willing to fork out the cash needed to pay for the cost of lifelong #unemployability if not intensive care due to #LongCovid or sign a bond with said amount deposited.
I've yet to see anyone even ask for the amount in return so why should I put myself at risk knowing they won't cover it.
There's a reason even the takeout delivery drivers are told to #KeepMasksOn because their insurance won't cover gross neglect!
#KeepMasksOn #LongCovid #unemployability
@ramonita that's because we're ruled by antisocial #Wankers that take pride in comitting #democide by inaction and refusing to enforce basic, fact-based quarantine regulations.
We could've gotten rid of this shit if we took it as serious as said #SARS infection it really is.
Instead assholed destroyed the few pandemic and epidemic protections that were codified.
And I've completely run out of spoons at this point!
#KeepMasksOn #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #sars #Democide #wankers
@lostgen natürlich nicht...
Weil #COVIDisAirborne und daher nur durch #KeepMasksOn eine Infektion verhinderbar...
@yassie_j +9001%
Same with #diving:
"I don't care if you have to scream, burp, cough or vomit: Mask / Regulator stays on!"
@Mela Mit solchen Leuten rede ich nicht, die Schmeiß' ich raus wenn die sich nicht an die Regeln halten - notfalls wortwörtlich!
#COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #KeepMasksOn
@nothingtoseehere @novid personally I'd still with full-face mask and P3R/N100 + biostop filter since people refuse to #KeepMasksOn and I'm not in going to gamble with my health!
@Natsura Remember to #KeepMasksOn because PM 2.5 levels are like "STAY THE F**K INSIDE" in #NYC right now...
I'd recommend some serious full-face mask with P3R+D Filtering unless you want your eyes and nose to get sore by the amount of particles they try to weep away from yours lenses...
@lued Gute Praxis...
Würde genauso handeln!
Und ja, mein Hausarzt macht soweit ich weiß aus Prinzip immernoch #Maskenpflicht & testet bei Symptomen aus Prinzip durch...
Nicht nur weil #Covid und Spätfolgen aka. #longCovid extrem heftig sind, sondern weil jener dies als "Notwendige Prävention" im Sinne des #Arbeitsschutz|es betrachtet...
#MaskeBleibtAuf #CovidIsNotOver #KeepMasksOn :mask: :meowMask:
#KeepMasksOn #CovidIsNotOver #MaskeBleibtAuf #Arbeitsschutz #LongCovid #COVID #Maskenpflicht
@kenji Hope you'll #KeepMasksOn cuz last #RSAC22 was a shitshow and basically a #CoronaParty in that regard...
#CovidIsNotOver #coronaparty #RSAC22 #KeepMasksOn
@maleve personally, this only confirms me in #KeepMasksOn 😷 and continue using a full-face-mask with P3R-D + biostop filter.
I'd rather look weird than being dead, cuz I don't gamble with my life.
@_L1vY_ Firefighter Training for Respirator Gear Use [FwDV7 NRW, ca. 2013] =
'#KeepMasksOn regardless of what other people say!'
The masks in question:
@researchfairy Well.
I'll #KeepMasksOn even if that means some dickheaded asshat told me to "unmask or gtfo" and I said: "Fine, won't shop here again!" and left him with a shopping cart full of stuff that needs cooling for him to sort away... lol
I mean it's their loss of revenue...
#namethemblamethem #KeepMasksOn
@Berater_1 +9001%
Mir geht diese shice einfach nur aufn Sack und an dieser Stelle muss man die Coronapolitik als Demozid durch Unterlassung bezeichnen!
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #KeepMasksOn
@knitvspurl *nodds in agreement*
I'll #KeepMasksOn because I don't want to get 'Rona.
If I who perfectly handles vaccinations any other time got the 2nd worst shivers of my life after the 3rd jab and said side-effects are basically "better than the best-case infection" I'll gladly have that any day, cuz extrapolated to these results I'll likely not make it - or at least not permanently disabled from it.
@BlackAzizAnansi I generally avoid being in spaces that don't demand masking, and act accordingly by masking up, since I've to assume said location is non-ventilated and saturated with said aerosolic particles.
What really pissed me off are those agressive anti-maskers that harass me for my personal choice to use actual PPE to not catch 'rona...
Literally left a shop forever due to some shitty staff demanding me to unmask...
#COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #KeepMasksOn
Fire Brigade taught me to be cautious of contagious elements, and if necessary, quarantine with all means necessary...
I personally will #KeepMasksOn and refuse to budge.
Even if I look like a moron - I'd rather look silly than die due to a 100% preventable cause.
Not to mention that I do care for someone who might not even remotely make it if they catch 'Rona, so I'm obligated to act accordingly...
@siege Even if I thought I were safe, I'd still keep masking for everyone who isn't :trans_heart: