#KeepUkraineConnected is trying to create a platform so that we can collect what our colleagues in Ukraine need to keep the internet up and running. You can donate here: https://nogalliance.org/our-task-forces/keep-ukraine-connected/
#digitalinclusion #KeepUkraineConnected
Internet in der Ukraine: Vor allem Strom und Konverter fehlen
Die Initiative KeepUkraineConnected schafft weiterhin Geräte für Internet Provider in die Ukraine. Der Bedarf ist hoch, die Hilfsbereitschaft auch.
#Hilfe #ISP #Internet #KeepUkraineConnected #Krieg #Netze #Spenden #UkraineKrieg #Wohltätigkeit #Zerstörung
#hilfe #isp #internet #KeepUkraineConnected #krieg #netze #spenden #Ukrainekrieg #wohltatigkeit #zerstorung
Today this stuff was sent to \@nogalliance. The network equipment was kindly donated by my employer and is aimed to help #KeepUkraineConnected and rebuild destroyed infrastructure. #HelpUkraine 🇺🇦 #DocemusUkr
#KeepUkraineConnected #HelpUkraine #docemusukr
So, two months ago my ISP #Init7 won a lawsuit regarding discrimination of competition against the incumbent telco in Switzerland (Swisscom). For this, Swisscom now had to pay a fine of 10k CHF to them. Init7 is using these funds to buy 2 fiber splicers and donating them to Global NOG Alliance! The obvious thing for Swisscom to do here would be to match funds.
Birdsite link: