An der Hunsrück-Höhenstrasse gelegen: Belginum Archäologiepark #Geschichte #Römer #Kelten
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney in #Ireland: Derc-Ferna (Dunmore Cave, Co. Kilkenny) is a cave of the #Otherworld in which the cat monster Luchtigern `Mouse Lord` dwelt before being "trampled" by the female warrior Aithbél.
Source: Helmut Birkhan `#Kelten´
#CelticSoulJourney #ireland #otherworld #Kelten
#Käsblättle führt beim #Wandertipp am Grabhügel Eberdingen-Hochdorf vorbei:
Kein Wort zum "#Keltenfürst", dem rekonstruierten Hügel
Kein Wort, dass man ihn mit schöner Aussicht zum Hohenasperg besteigen kann...
Dann geht´s weiter "wo sich das Keltenmuseum befindet" - keine Info zum Museum, aber zum Café gegenüber! #Archäologie #Kelten
#kasblattle #Wandertipp #keltenfurst #archaologie #Kelten
Sieht das besuchenswerte Keltenmuseum auf dem Glauberg (nördlich von Hanau) nicht aus wie ein frisch gelandetes UFO?
#Glauberg #Kelten #Museum #Architektur #Architekturfoto #fotografie #architecture #architecturephotography #photography #Hessen #ufo
#glauberg #Kelten #Museum #Architektur #Architekturfoto #fotografie #architecture #architecturephotography #photography #hessen #ufo
#Ogma mac Elathan, son of Delbaeth, is according to #Irish tradition the inventor of the #Ogham script. In fact, #Ogham wasn't developed until the early Middle Ages.
Source: Helmut Birkhan `Die #Kelten`
“The #Druids were the intellectual elite of the #Celts, they could read and write (Greek and Latin), but did not leave a single written word. They only passed on their secret knowledge orally.” Source: In fact, #Ogham wasn't developed until the early Middle Ages.
#Ogma #irish #Ogham #Kelten #druids #Celts
#FolkloreSunday: The #Eravisci were a #Celtic tribe in present-day Hungary (Transdanubia). Their oppidum on the Gellértberg in today`s Budapest was never conquered by the Romans.
A Juppiter Teutanus is known as their tribal god from Roman times. Several inscriptions between the years 178 and 288 AD are dated to 11 June, a few days before the #SummerSolstice, probably the date on which the Celtic god was celebrated.
Source: H. Birkhan „#Kelten“
#FolkloreSunday #eravisci #celtic #SummerSolstice #Kelten
#FolkloreSunday: The #Eravisci were a #Celtic tribe in present-day Hungary (Transdanubia). Their oppidum on the Gellértberg in today`s Budapest was never conquered by the Romans.
A Juppiter Teutanus is known as their tribal god from Roman times. Several inscriptions between the years 178 and 288 AD are dated to 11 June, a few days before the #SummerSolstice, probably the date on which the Celtic god was celebrated.
Source: H. Birkhan „#Kelten“
#FolkloreSunday #eravisci #celtic #SummerSolstice #Kelten
The three god-doctors Diancécht and his two sons Òc-Tríal and Míach, as well as Diancécht's daughter Airmed, had cast their spells over Tobar Sláine (Well of Health), the life spring of the #TuathaDèDanann. Their magic was so powerful that the injured of the Second Battle of #Moytura and even the dead were restored in the spring.
After the spring pot was plugged by stones on the advice of the Fomórian prince Òctríallach, (creating the Heapstown Cairn/`The Cairn of Octriallach`), the Loch Luibe 'hole of herbs' formed from the spring, so called because of the herbs placed there by Diancécht.
Source: Helmut Birkhan `#Kelten`
#TuathaDeDanann #Moytura #Kelten
The three god-doctors Diancécht and his two sons Òc-Tríal and Míach, as well as Diancécht's daughter Airmed, had cast their spells over Tobar Sláine (Well of Health), the life spring of the #TuathaDèDanann. Their magic was so powerful that the injured of the Second Battle of #Moytura and even the dead were restored in the spring.
After the spring pot was plugged by stones on the advice of the Fomórian prince Òctríallach, (creating the Heapstown Cairn/`The Cairn of Octriallach`), the Loch Luibe 'hole of herbs' formed from the spring, so called because of the herbs placed there by Diancécht.
Source: Helmut Birkhan `#Kelten`
#TuathaDeDanann #Moytura #Kelten
#Celtic #FolkloreThursday: Brân Vendigeit 'the Blessed' had taken a cauldron from a pair of #Irish demons, which they had brought from the #Otherworld. If one lit a fire under it and filled it in the evening with the corpses of the slain, they were revived the next morning, only that they lacked the ability to speak.
Source: Helmut Birkhan `Die #Kelten`
#celtic #folklorethursday #irish #otherworld #Kelten
#fidchell was called #gwyddbwyll by the #Welsh (#Cymric gwydd `knowledge`, -pwyll `mind`: `wood-mind`)
Source: Helmut Birkhan `#Kelten`
#Celtic #FolkloreSunday
#fidchell #gwyddbwyll #welsh #Cymric #Kelten #celtic #FolkloreSunday
Happy Beltane! Ein Rant...
Im Laufe der Christianisierung Nordwesteuropas in den ersten Jahrhunderten unserer Zeitrechnung wurden viele keltische (sogenannte "heidnische") Jahresfeste einfach beibehalten und mit einer christlichen Bedeutung versehen. Das war praktisch, konnte man doch das Christentum so ohne grosse Widerstände etablieren. Zum Beispiel wurde aus Samhain, dem Totenfest, jetzt Allerheiligen. Aus Yule, dem Fest der Wintersonnwende wurde jetzt Weihnachten. Aus Ostara, dem Fest der Frühlingstagundnachtgleiche wurde jetzt - Überraschung - Ostern, usw.
Beltane, die Nacht zum 1. Mai, (die "Walpurgisnacht", heute nacht!) ist das einzige keltische Fest, dass das Christentum nicht übernommen hat. Warum?
#walpurgisnacht #walpurgis #beltane #kelten #feminismus #Paganismus #sexuellefreiheit #sex #jahresfeste #jahreszyklus
#jahreszyklus #jahresfeste #sex #sexuellefreiheit #Paganismus #feminismus #Kelten #beltane #walpurgis #walpurgisnacht
#Celtic #FairyTaleTuesday: Lugudunum Segusiavorum (today: #Lyon) was the fortress of the #Gallic god #Lug/#Lugus, who was known for his "raven sympathy". Ravens are said to have descended from heaven at the foundation of Lugudunum.
Source: Helmut Birkhan `#Kelten`
RT @dorough_family
In Celtic lores ravens, usually shown in threes, were the companions of the war god, Lug. They were used in the battlefields to collect the spirits …
#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #lyon #Gallic #lug #Kelten
eisenzeitliche Wege mit Wagenspuren entdeckt
- ca 500 - 100 v.Chr., "#Kelten" #Engen-Anselfingen #Archaeology
#Celtic #FolkloreSunday: `The renewal of the earth and thus of fertility and wealth is especially expressed by the stag because of the annual renewal of its antlers` beginning with spring.
Source: Helmut Birkhan `#Kelten`
RT @deerly_obsessed
March of the Deer 🦌🦌🦌🦌
“Deer of the Day” 23
A Mule deer buck who would give his doe…the moon 🦌🦌😍💕
#celtic #FolkloreSunday #Kelten
#Celtic #FolkloreSunday: `The renewal of the earth and thus of fertility and wealth is especially expressed by the stag because of the annual renewal of its antlers` beginning with spring.
Source: Helmut Birkhan `#Kelten`
#celtic #FolkloreSunday #Kelten
The three god-doctors Diancécht and his two sons Òc-Tríal and Míach, as well as Diancécht's daughter Airmed, had cast their spells over Tobar Sláine (Well of Health), the life spring of the #TuathaDèDanann. Their magic was so powerful that the injured of the Second Battle of #Moytura and even the dead were restored in the spring.
After the spring pot was plugged by stones on the advice of the Fomórian prince Òctríallach, (creating the Heapstown Cairn/`The Cairn of Octriallach`), the Loch Luibe 'hole of herbs' formed from the spring, so called because of the herbs placed there by Diancécht.
Source: Helmut Birkhan `#Kelten`
#Celtic #mythology
RT @NeuKelte
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney: The Heapstown Cairn is most impressive, being the largest Cairn in #Ireland outside of the Boyne Valley. Bigger than a tw…
#TuathaDeDanann #Moytura #Kelten #celtic #mythology #CelticSoulJourney #ireland
At the sight of #CúChulainn in his paroxysm it is said that once a hundred of Medb's warriors fell dead from horror. A part of his rage distortion presented itself thus: `There were seen the lights of #Bodb and the rain clouds of venom and the sparks of red fire in the clouds and in vapors above his head, from the boiling of the truly fierce anger that had risen in the air above him.`
Source: Helmut Birkhan `#Kelten`
RT @arakhnos
@milhistbuff3 Thomas Kinsella died last week at the age of 93. I will always treasure his translation of the Tain, and the battle rage of Cú Chul…
#Celtic #FaustianFriday: #Catuvolcus ("Battle Wolf") was one of the two kings of the #Eburones who, tired of age and defeated by Caesar, is said to have ritually committed suicide by means of yew berries
Source: Helmut Birkhan `#Kelten`
RT @CAtrebate
4/6 - Un jeune chevalier gaulois.
#celtic #FaustianFriday #catuvolcus #eburones #Kelten #drungo
Kennt ihr Flops-karte? Ein ehemaliger Kollege (iR) hat damit erstaunlich Dinge zu Tage gefördert.
Seine Passion sind die keltischen Kultstätten und die daraus entstandenen christlichen Gotteshäuser.
In sehr vielen Fällen konnte er nachweisen, dass diese nach geometrischen Regeln geordnet sind.
#kartographie, #geometrie, #kelten, #celtic,
#Kartographie #geometrie #Kelten #celtic