Nesi 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
175 followers · 468 posts · Server

So in case it wasn't obvious yet to some of my and followers, the following two changes have happened:

First, I've resigned from being a Baku (temple servant) in the House of Netjer, including moderation and anything else I've assisted with in the past.

Second, I am no longer a Shemsu Ankh or a Shemsu (new) within the House of Netjer Kemetic Temple. I am now a Divined Remetj.

When I started to write this, I had to stop myself from writing things like "I am now only a Divined Remetj" or "I've dropped down to Divined Remetj", because it's a negative statement which does not need to exist. Don't get me wrong, there is most definitely a hierarchy in the House of Netjer Kemetic Temple -- we can deny it all we like, but the proof continues to be there -- however a hierarchy does not necessitate judgment for whatever ring of said hierarchy on which you happen to exist.

Basically, if anyone is there for titles to "win the game", they've missed the point entirely.

So aside from what has changed, let's talk about what hasn't:

🅐 My spirituality and my faith: I am still a Kemetic polytheist, just like I was a Kemetic last week, just like I'll be a Kemetic polytheist next week.

🅑 My House membership: I haven't "left" the House (at least as of writing this post), I'm simply no longer a Shemsu. Those are not one in the same thing.

🅒 My Gods, in particular my Parentage: I accept my RPD results, and will continue to do so, because I know them to be completely true. More on this later.

🅓 My name: it was given to me by Wepwawet.

🅔 My community: Nothing changes in how I interact with my Kemetic friends, at least I personally don't think so anyway.

It's hard to fit all the reasons is a neat little box that this is happening, and there are for certain some larger posts to come... but for now, what's needed to be done, is done, and I am better for it.

I do hope I don't lose any friends over this decision, though if you only had me added "because I was a Shemsu" and don't give two hoots about me any other way, I don't think very highly of you -- but unfortunately in the days/weeks to come, it may happen anyway, as I am not one to sit still and be silent.

I didn't come all this way and make all this change not to talk.

(Also, here's me paying the jackal-tax in image form)

#Kemetic #KemeticOrthodox #polytheist #religion #spirituality #kemeticism #paganism #polytheism

Last updated 1 year ago

Nesi 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
175 followers · 468 posts · Server

So in case it wasn't obvious yet to some of my and followers, the following two changes have happened:

First, I've resigned from being a Baku (temple servant) in the House of Netjer, including moderation and anything else I've assisted with in the past.

Second, I am no longer a Shemsu Ankh or a Shemsu (new) within the House of Netjer Kemetic Temple. I am now a Divined Remetj.

When I started to write this, I had to stop myself from writing things like "I am now only a Divined Remetj" or "I've dropped down to Divined Remetj", because it's a negative statement which does not need to exist. Don't get me wrong, there is most definitely a hierarchy in the House of Netjer Kemetic Temple -- we can deny it all we like, but the proof continues to be there -- however a hierarchy does not necessitate judgment for whatever ring of said hierarchy on which you happen to exist.

Basically, if anyone is there for titles to "win the game", they've missed the point entirely.

So aside from what has changed, let's talk about what hasn't:

🅐 My spirituality and my faith: I am still a Kemetic polytheist, just like I was a Kemetic last week, just like I'll be a Kemetic polytheist next week.

🅑 My House membership: I haven't "left" the House (at least as of writing this post), I'm simply no longer a Shemsu. Those are not one in the same thing.

🅒 My Gods, in particular my Parentage: I accept my RPD results, and will continue to do so, because I know them to be completely true. More on this later.

🅓 My name: it was given to me by Wepwawet.

🅔 My community: Nothing changes in how I interact with my Kemetic friends, at least I personally don't think so anyway.

It's hard to fit all the reasons is a neat little box that this is happening, and there are for certain some larger posts to come... but for now, what's needed to be done, is done, and I am better for it.

I do hope I don't lose any friends over this decision, though if you only had me added "because I was a Shemsu" and don't give two hoots about me any other way, I don't think very highly of you -- but unfortunately in the days/weeks to come, it may happen anyway, as I am not one to sit still and be silent.

I didn't come all this way and make all this change not to talk.

#Kemetic #KemeticOrthodox #polytheist #religion #spirituality #kemeticism #paganism #polytheism

Last updated 1 year ago

Nesi 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
167 followers · 419 posts · Server

Big move inside the apartment today, laying the ground-work to move the main shrine into the far end of the living area, where the are now.

This is going to change the flow of everything, as I'm tired of the mess being at that end and just cluttering up the space, and allow me to enjoy Jackals far more frequently than I do currently (I only go into the 'shrine room' for ritual stuff and I really want to see 100% of the time, I mean who doesn't, pfft).

So I will be able to have and and more often for Wepwawet as well since I can keep an eye on lit candles etc. and more casual "s'up *highfive*" style communication on my way to and from the kitchen 🤣

Truthfully, Wepwawet wanted a big everyday but never requested it to be as sequestered as it is now, and so He will be pleased, as He is very much an every-day Jackal God ❤

My ritual shrine will still stay in the other room where the 3D printers will go. They aren't too loud thankfully.


Update: 2.5 hours and a massive migraine, but I got it done. Don't ask for pictures behind the camera, it looks like a whole apartment exploded.

#wepwawet #3dprinters #3dprinter #jackals #candles #incense #offerings #shrine #Kemetic #KemeticOrthodox #Pagan #paganism #gods #netjer #ancientegypt

Last updated 2 years ago

Nesi 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
155 followers · 329 posts · Server

New statues for , , and

In 22 years I have never had my entire lineup have proper statues (only Wepwawet did) -- Hethert, Amun, and Nut have always had non- iconography on my shrine, just kind of worked out like that, and They were certainly OK with it.

But now Everyone has something, and I just feel really good about that.

#Hethert #nut #amun #Kemetic #kemeticism #KemeticOrthodox #ancientegypt #egypt #Pagan #paganism #blog #personal #religion #spirituality

Last updated 2 years ago

Nesi :verified: 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
138 followers · 291 posts · Server

Finally upgraded my big shrine to the modern look I was craving. No more hand-me-down wood/glass table falling apart at the seams, no more $10 shitty walmart table. (my little daily shrine is still off to the right)

I feel good about this. May add LED lights!

Dua <3

I also have new statues on order for the rest of my lineup (, , and ) as the current ones are due for an upgrade, though I do really love Amun's ram that I found at a thrift store.

#wepwawet #Hethert #amun #nut #Kemetic #kemeticism #KemeticOrthodox #shrine #altar #Pagan #paganism #gods

Last updated 2 years ago

Shaseni · @shaseni
27 followers · 33 posts · Server

There is also Set’s side to the Wesir Mysteries that is often overlooked, but which I touch on in this poem…


I am Set, and I bear many sorrows.
I have lost much, yet still I walk free
In the deserts and the lonely places.

I am Set, yet My brother is dead,
And My sister against Me,
And My people estranged.

Who understands?

Every day I work for them,
Those who point the finger,
Those who shun.
Every day I slay
What needs to be slain,
So they can arise,
And go about their business,
And do ma’at,
And be renewed in Zep Tepi,
And forget about Whom they owe it to.

I am Set.
Strong of Sadness.

My brother, of great compassion,
Saw the dead were kingless.
And resolved to be with them.
But how?
Who had the strength
To send Him there?
Who had the strength
To hold the blame,
To bear the sorrows,
To be the outcast?

A god to kill a god,
Then mourn His brother.
So many sacrifices
In one act.

I have heard them say
That I am without love.
I have heard them say
That I am chaotic, evil, trickster.
I have seen them erase My name.
I have heard them laugh at stories about Me.
Yet they may thank Me one day,
When they see their King.

My children know.
They know the warmth.
They know the love.
They know the strength.
They know the clear vision an eagle would admire.
They know the precision a general would aspire to.
They know the persistence.
They know the sacrifice.
They know their Father.

Let no evil appear in your mouth against Me.
Do not turn against Me,
For I am Set,
Who sets up the storms and thunder
Within the horizon of the sky,
Like a fury!

I am Set.
Strong of Sadness.

~ Shaseni, 2022

#set #seth #Wesir #osiris #mysteries #vigil #poem #KemeticOrthodox #Kemetic #mythology #festival #holiday #Pagan

Last updated 2 years ago

Chamomile Kemetic (A’Aqyt) · @teagarden
85 followers · 63 posts · Server

Today is my community's celebration of the Wesir Mysteries.
Wesir (Osiris) is the god king of the Duat (the underworld). He oversees the dead and is connected to the cycles of agriculture. He is best known for his myth in which his brother, Set, murders him. Then his consort, Aset, and his sister, Nebthet, in their mourning find his body parts. They reunite them and Aset breathes life back into him. She renews his life but he is now part of the Duat and must reign over it. His son is Heru-sa-Aset, who must go through adversity to reclaim Wesir's throne from Set.

The Wesir Mysteries is a month long festival revolving around the mythos of Wesir. There are many activities that correspond to different aspects of the myth. The murder, reuniting, and rejuvenation of Wesir are all honored in different ways. The deity Sokar is also brought to the forefront in the Mysteries, as he is connected to Wesir (sometimes Sokar-Wesir) and a god of death.
My community celebrates the Mysteries with an all day-night vigil.

#Pagan #holiday #festival #mythology #deity #kemeticism #kemeticpolytheism #Kemetic #KemeticOrthodox

Last updated 2 years ago

Chamomile Kemetic (A’Aqyt) · @teagarden
78 followers · 55 posts · Server

This was celebrating the Beautiful Reunion festival back in June. It is a festival in honor of Hethert and Heru-wer. In Ancient Egypt their icons would be processioned to each other’s temples to visit. Power couple. The celebration lasts for 14 (if I am remembering correctly) days.

#statues #shrine #altar #ancientegypt #festivals #festival #deity #kemeticpolytheism #kemeticism #KemeticOrthodox #Kemetic

Last updated 2 years ago

Chamomile Kemetic (A’Aqyt) · @teagarden
73 followers · 44 posts · Server

From Summer Solstice.
A pic I took around summer solstice for the Flower Festival. The festival is a modern creation in honor of the deities of the fields, flowers, foods, etc. It is a celebration of thriving, growth, and the world around us.
Need to shift to winter solstice look. So this is my shrine for Sekhmet solely. Happily decked out in her flower accents.

#sekhmet #kemeticpolytheism #KemeticOrthodox #kemeticism #Kemetic

Last updated 2 years ago

Nesi :verified: 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
65 followers · 126 posts · Server

Today is the Feast of 🦁 and 🐱 of Isheru. Dua Sekhmet! Dua Bast!


#KemeticOrthodox #Kemetic #paganism #Bast #sekhmet

Last updated 2 years ago

Chamomile Kemetic (A’Aqyt) · @teagarden
53 followers · 36 posts · Server

Today we are talking about Hethert-Nut.
Hethert-Nut is a combination deity of Hethert (Hathor) and Nut. She appears in Kom Ombo. Hether-Nut is the celestial cow. In her mythos, she carries Ra on her back up into the heavens. This comes after Ra had decided to distance himself from people. So Hethert-Nut takes Ra upon her back and her legs grow and grow. They grow so long that she does reach the heavens but her legs are wobbly. So other deities are asked to hold Hethert-Nut's legs so they do not falter.
Hethert-Nut as the celestial cow can be depicted as a cow with a blue body, covered in gold stars. Her holiday is called the Establishment of the Celestial Cow and honors her myth. It occurs in December. In modern practice this holiday has been one of many that allows kemetics to take part in the general holiday spirit.

(images not loading so will post another time)

#festival #holiday #Pagan #KemeticOrthodox #kemeticism #kemeticpolytheism #Kemetic

Last updated 2 years ago

Chamomile Kemetic (A’Aqyt) · @teagarden
45 followers · 31 posts · Server

I promise you a Ra.
This is Ra the Great Cat. He who slays the chaos worm. A commission for a priest of Ra.

#painting #acrylic #SunGod #ra #kemeticpolytheism #KemeticOrthodox #kemeticism #Kemetic

Last updated 2 years ago

Chamomile Kemetic (A’Aqyt) · @teagarden
33 followers · 24 posts · Server

All righty, I suppose I should get on with it and do an introduction.

Hi, I am the Chamomile Kemetic aka TeaGarden aka A'Aqytsekhmet aka Ma'atnofret.
My shemsu, kemetic name is A'Aqytsekhmet which means "Sekhmet's Servant." This will show up again later. :3

I am a kemetic polytheist, part of the religion of Kemetic Orthodox where I am a priest of Sekhmet. Pansexual, demisexual, cis woman. Pronouns she/her.

I have been on my spiritual journey for 21-24 years. The difference is... where do you count it? When I first picked up a tarot deck or when I first started reading books, or when I first found the gods that would draw me out? My practice consists of god work, art, rituals, working with spirits, and more.

I am a full time mom and artist. I trained in illustration but over the years I picked up a lot of different crafts as well as flower arranging.
I am the creator of the Sekhmet's Servant Oracle, Sekhmet's Servant Kemetic Daily Devotional, and currently have some other projects in the works for the next couple of years. You might even see my illustrations coming up in a big publisher down the road.


#priest #pansexual #mom #sekhmetservant #Artist #KemeticOrthodox #kemeticpolytheism #Kemetic

Last updated 2 years ago