Exactly, cute innocent kittens do not deserve to be anywhere near the #KentuckyHuckster.
In adult hissy fits. U.S. Rep. Derrick Van Orden, a fine example of the best Wisconsin's #PartyOfStupid sends to DC. It was so bad even the #KentuckyHuckster McConnell was all like "damn!, chill dude."
GOP Lawmaker Calls Teenage Senate Pages 'Little Sh*ts' https://www.advocate.com/news/republican-lawmaker-curses-senate-pages
#KentuckyHuckster #PartyOfStupid
Doctors Confirm McConnell Had A Stroke After Imagining A Happy Black Person https://www.theonion.com/doctors-confirm-mcconnell-had-a-stroke-after-imagining-1850683094
FTA: "At press time, McConnell had reportedly died after hearing the song 'Happy' by Pharrell."
If only. #BarelySatire #KentuckyHuckster #PartyOfStupid #KentuckyProud
#KentuckyProud #PartyOfStupid #KentuckyHuckster #BarelySatire
This is #satire, but I can always dream.
#KentuckyHuckster #PartyOfStupid
Mitch McConnell Bankrupted By 3-Day Stay In Hospital https://www.theonion.com/mitch-mcconnell-bankrupted-by-3-day-stay-in-hospital-1850213322
#PartyOfStupid #KentuckyHuckster #satire
Stop Complaining about the ‘Gerontocracy.’ Older People Are More Vital Than Ever. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a42242374/gerontocracy-toxic-ageism-is-the-real-problem/
Oh look, a gerontocracy apologist. As kids say these days, "OK Boomer." And no, they are not more vital than ever, other than keeping their oppressive systems in place.
In KY, McConnell, the #KentuckyHuckster, is basically the poster boy of obstructionist selfish asshole that illustrates why the gerontocratic plutocracy of the U.S. needs to go.
Americans Explain Why They Are Not Voting In The Midterms https://www.theonion.com/americans-explain-why-they-are-not-voting-in-the-midter-1849660276
FTA, quoting #KentuckyHuckster U.S. Sen. McConnell: “We’ve gerrymandered the state enough to never have to worry about losing.” Are we sure @theonion is satire?
#KentuckyHuckster #BarelySatire
Kyrsten Sinema Touts Friendship With McConnell as Popularity Dips https://www.advocate.com/politics/2022/9/26/kyrsten-sinema-touts-friendship-mcconnell-popularity-dips
I suddenly find useful a Bible verse: 1 Corinthians 15:33, not that Sinema ever had any good morals for starters. #RepublicanLite #KentuckyHuckster
#KentuckyHuckster #RepublicanLite
Conservatives React To The Mar-A-Lago Raid https://www.theonion.com/conservatives-react-to-the-mar-a-lago-raid-1849392557
#BarelySatire. The reaction they got for the #KentuckyHuckster is about right. #PartyOfStupid #PendejoInChief
#PendejoInChief #PartyOfStupid #KentuckyHuckster #BarelySatire
@pzmyers He did, but, not surprising since he calls the #KentuckyHuckster his personal friend.
#RepublicanLite #KentuckyHuckster
Biden May Nominate Anti-Abortion Lawyer For Judgeship In Deal With McConnell: Reports https://www.huffpost.com/entry/biden-mcconnell-chad-meredith-judge_n_62bd4577e4b0ffe00a0d8d36 via @HuffPostPol
Oh, FFS Biden. #RepublicanLite #KentuckyHuckster
#KentuckyHuckster #RepublicanLite