I am in awe of the #music of #Hildur #Guðnadóttir. The creation of the score for #Tár is mindboggling. So much of the music in that film is not so much heard, but felt in the movements, cadences and dialogue of the characters.
This may seem like a weird juxtaposition, Jack #Kerouac tried to do a similar things with his, using words and sylables like notes in on a piece of sheet music.
I think that life itself runs on a #cadence, and when our #rhythm is off, our lives are the worse for it.
#music #hildur #gudnadottir #tar #Kerouac #Cadence #rhythm
Pull My Daisy - Directed by Robert Frank and Alfred Leslie. Narrated by Jack Kerouac.
#robertfrank #Kerouac #poetry #beatgeneration #filmmaking
Today in Labor History March 5, 1917: Members of the IWW went on trial in Everett, Washington for the Everett Massacre, which occurred on November 5, 1916. In reality, they were the victims of an assault by a mob of drunken, vigilantes, led by Sheriff McRae. The IWW members had come to support the 5-month long strike by shingle workers. When their boat, the Verona, arrived, the Sheriff asked who their leader was. They replied, “We are all leaders.” Then the vigilantes began firing at their boat. They killed 12 IWW members and 2 of their own, who they accidentally shot in the back. Before the killings, 40 IWW street speakers had been taken by deputies to Beverly Park, where they were brutally beaten and run out of town. In his “USA” trilogy, John Dos Passos mentions Everett as “no place for the working man.” And Jack Kerouac references the Everett Massacre in his novel, “Dharma Bums.”
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #IWW #everett #massacre #PoliceBrutality #vigilante #strike #FreeSpeech #kerouac #DosPassos #hisfic #novel #literature @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #everett #massacre #policebrutality #vigilante #strike #freespeech #Kerouac #dospassos #hisfic #novel #Literature
I was reading some examples of beat poetry to Linda. Henry, our dog, ran out of the room and hid under the bed.
Now he won't make eye contact with me.
Kerouac e la Beat Generation
Parlare di Kerouac significa parlare di un revival estetico, di un nuovo stile di vita, di un modello alternativo agli standard della vita sedentaria, quasi un ritorno al nomadismo1. Però se si parla di Kerouac e della Beat Generation, non si può escludere dalla diss...
#28Febbraio #ArteeCultura #Beatgeneration #capitalismo #kerouac
#Kerouac #capitalismo #beatgeneration #ArteeCultura #28febbraio
"In 1950s America, for a woman to live a bohemian life... was a move of tremendous bravery. And if we celebrate the Beats for their... questioning of societal norms, weren't the women of that movement the boldest of all?"
Excellent BBC radio story on women of the Beat movement. CW for gender stereotyping, reproductive issues, misogyny, and discussion of su*cide.
#LiteraryHistory #poetry #WomenInLiterature #beatnik #feminist #PostWarLit #BeatWriters #Kerouac #OnTheRoad
#literaryhistory #poetry #womeninliterature #beatnik #feminist #postwarlit #beatwriters #Kerouac #ontheroad
Made it to the Mastodon shore. I am a songwriter working with Larry Beckett - American poet, and lyricist to Tim Buckley. We have released 3 albums since 2015, one with the Long Lost Band, and we are working on the fourth. Music is my first love. I dig my Guild Guitars! Look me up on bandcamp stuartanthonyuk.bandcamp.com #acoustic #bandcamp #newmusic #poetry #timbuckley #nickdrake #larrybeckett #12string #albums #music #ginsberg #kerouac #beats #singersongwriter #recording
#acoustic #bandcamp #newmusic #poetry #TimBuckley #Nickdrake #larrybeckett #12string #albums #music #ginsberg #Kerouac #beats #singersongwriter #recording
#CormacMcCarthy #GabrielGarciaMarquez #jorgeluisborges #RobertoBolano #jrrtolkien #Kerouac #FrankOHara #JoseSaramago #stephenking #bookstodon #reading #writersofmastodon
Una de las personalidades más influidas por el trabajo de #Kerouac ha sido sin dudas #JimMorrison. A tal punto, que el mismo #RayManzarek, supo decir alguna vez: “Si Kerouac no hubiese escrito “En el Camino”, “The Doors” nunca hubiese existido”. Por eso elegimos #StrangeDays, que, como la novela, señala la incomodidad de los lugares comunes agravada por los convulsos años 60´ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZWB0VF2vDI
#Kerouac #jimmorrison #RayManzarek #StrangeDays