Ka caw, ka caw...
"In early November 2017, one of the most influential men in Australia’s military was passed a sensitive document by a billionaire media mogul. It was the start of a campaign." #BRS #BenRobertsSmith #KerryStokes #WarCrimes #defamation
The rich and influential cheer squad who backed a war criminal - 12ft | Ben Roberts-Smith case: Kerry Stokes’ campaign to defend an Australian war criminal
#brs #BenRobertsSmith #KerryStokes #warcrimes #defamation
I wonder if #KerryStokes has asked PwC (a longtime advisor to #KerryStokes’ businesses) how to make #BenRobertsSmith's (and #Nine’s) legal costs tax deductible.
#KerryStokes #BenRobertsSmith #nine
OK I get it. Underlying the white-hot #BRS story there's a Seven vs Nine story #media #news #KerryStokes
#brs #media #news #KerryStokes