@historleans In her book The Light We Carry, #MichelleObama related what Supreme Court Justice #KetanjiBrownJackson experienced at Harvard. A student there prominently displayed a Confederate battle flag in his dorm window facing the quad. Of course, the Black students were outraged and activities were undertaken to have it removed. Meanwhile, amid this distraction, things like studying and participating in campus activities were neglected.
#michelleobama #KetanjiBrownJackson #blackmastodon #blackhistory #education
RT @aboubakar_soum@twitter.com
Nomina di #KetanjiBrownJackson a giudice Corte Suprema USA è storica. Quando queste notizie non faranno più notizia avremmo raggiunto normalità. Non ci devono essere eccezionalità “nere” nelle esclusività “bianche”. In Italia, auspico aperture in tutti i settori.
Buon lavoro!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/aboubakar_soum/status/1512428274751877122
அமெரிக்க உச்சநீதிமன்ற நீதிபதியாக கருப்பின பெண் கேதன்ஜி ஜாக்சன் வாக்கெடுப்பு மூலம் நியமனம் https://patrikai.com/ketanji-brown-jackson-first-black-womans-historic-confirmation-to-supreme-court/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#KetanjiBrownJackson #JusticeKetanjiBrownJackson #SupremeCourt #SupremeCourtJustice #Ketanji
#Ketanji #supremecourtjustice #supremecourt #JusticeKetanjiBrownJackson #KetanjiBrownJackson
Glad #KetanjiBrownJackson is joining SCOTUS. We should want someone who can look up the rules in the middle of a game and interpret unclear instructions like she wasn't playing. I think we got that. Politicians should instead want to design a game everyone enjoys. #LiberalValues
#KetanjiBrownJackson #LiberalValues
Glad #KetanjiBrownJackson is joining SCOTUS. We should want someone who can look up the rules in the middle of a game and interpret unclear instructions like she wasn't playing. I think we got that. Politicians should instead want to design a game everyone enjoys. #LiberalValues
#KetanjiBrownJackson #LiberalValues
#KetanjiBrownJackson Wanted to Empty #Jails at Start of #Pandemic. https://chaunceyibrowniii.com/chaunceys-blog/f/ketanji-brown-jackson-wanted-to-empty-jails-at-start-of-pandemic
#pandemic #jails #KetanjiBrownJackson
Live: #Senate confirmation hearing for #KetanjiBrownJackson. https://chaunceyibrowniii.com/chaunceys-blog/f/live-senate-confirmation-hearing-for-ketanji-brown-jackson
வாக்குறுதியை நிறைவேற்றினார் பைடன் : முதல் முறையாக அமெரிக்க உச்சநீதிமன்ற நீதிபதியாக கருப்பின பெண் நியமனம்
https://patrikai.com/biden-fulfilled-campaign-promise-nominated-ketanji-brown-jackson-as-us-supreme-court-judge/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#KetanjiBrownJackson #Ketanji #KetanjiBrown #SupremeCourt #USSupremeCourt #JudgeKetanjiBrownJackson #Judge
#judge #JudgeKetanjiBrownJackson #ussupremecourt #supremecourt #KetanjiBrown #Ketanji #KetanjiBrownJackson