#PatMills and the late #KevinONeill, #MARSHALLAW TAKES MANHATTAN, in which Mills talked about actual #CIA tactics being used in Central America at the time this was being published. Basically he was talking about the "School of the Americas." That and the brutal attack on #Marvel characters ensured Marvel never reprinted it. I'm surprised he even got it through the first time.
Remember, this was a time when the CIA harassed #AlanMoore for BROUGHT TO LIGHT.
#punisher #comics #parody
#marshallaw #cia #punisher #comics #parody #patmills #KevinONeill #marvel #alanmoore
@CrucialCaveat ORLY? perhaps he's a fan of #PatMills and the late, great #KevinONeill? #MarshalLaw
#marshallaw #KevinONeill #patmills
EOC’s Book of the Month for December is League of Extraordinary Gentlemen by Alan Moore, Kevin O’Neill, and company.
#eoc #BookOfTheMonth #botm #podcast #AlanMoore #KevinONeill #loeg #LeagueOfExtraordinaryGentlemen
#eoc #bookofthemonth #botm #podcast #alanmoore #KevinONeill #loeg #LeagueofExtraordinaryGentlemen
I had an incredibly detailed dream about the making of a West End production of Thrud the Barbarian, which went through all the ways they built the Thrud costume. This was following a very detailed dream about a board game based on the Nemesis the Warlock prequel comic Terror Tube, focusing on how you’d replicate movement in a board came travelling 360 degrees round a tube. Credo! #ThrudTheBarbarian #WhiteDwarf #CarlCritchlow #KevinONeill #PatMills #2000ad #NemesisTheWarlock
#thrudthebarbarian #WhiteDwarf #carlcritchlow #KevinONeill #PatMills #2000ad #nemesisthewarlock
More #KevinONeill at #TheComicsJournal, this time from #DavidRoach (who knows how to spell my name correctly)
#KevinONeill #thecomicsjournal #davidroach
Another Kevin O'Neill tribute, this one at TCJ from David Roach: https://www.tcj.com/an-appreciation-of-kevin-oneill-1953-to-2022/ #kevinONeill #Comics #art #davidRoach #tcj
#KevinONeill #comics #art #davidroach #tcj
Happy #Nerdsgiving! 🦃
Ya salió el nuevo episodio del #podcast #Nerdmigos en el que Isma y nuestro invitado César Cervantes platican sobre el Pokémon número 1000 revelado en #PokémonScarlet #PokémonViolet y más 🤓🎙️🤘🇲🇽
¡Escúchenlo hoy! 🎧 https://www.nerdmigos.com/2022/11/quien-es-el-pokemon-numero-1000.html
¡Bienvenidos a Nerdonia!
#WelcomeToNerdonia #PodNation #IndiePodcastsUnite #LatinoPodcast #Pokémon #SilkSpiderSociety #DoctorWho #AQuietPlaceDayOne #KevinONeill #OnePiece #StarWars #Andor #GuillermoDelToro #CabinetOfCuriosities
#nerdsgiving #podcast #nerdmigos #PokemonScarlet #PokemonViolet #welcometonerdonia #PodNation #indiepodcastsunite #latinopodcast #pokemon #silkspidersociety #doctorwho #aquietplacedayone #KevinONeill #onepiece #starwars #andor #guillermodeltoro #cabinetofcuriosities
Originally posted, with slightly different formatting, to the online edition of The Comics Journal from February 16-19, 2010.
Notionally prepping for an interview tmrw. But going through a storage box found my Nemesis The Warlock collections.
Apt after the death of Kevin O'Neill recently..
#2000ad #2000ADcomics #KevinONeill
A special episode paying tribute to the legendary comics artist Kevin O'Neill who sadly passed away this week
#KevinONeill #rip #2000ad #nemesisthewarlock
#AlanMoore eulogizes #comicbook great #KevinONeill
#KevinONeill #comicbook #alanmoore
#AlanMoore eulogizes #comicbook great #KevinONeill
#KevinONeill #comicbook #alanmoore
Nemesis the Warlock, after the mind-blowing comics artist Kevin O’Neill, who sadly died on 3 November.
#kevinoneill #nemesisthewarlock #2000ad #artonpaper #brushpen #watercolours #MastoArt #FediArt
#fediart #MastoArt #watercolours #brushpen #artonpaper #2000ad #nemesisthewarlock #KevinONeill
I was always a fan of #comicartists like #GeoffDarrow, #KevinONeill, and magazines like #MadMagazine where they try to pack as much STUFF into the page as they can with little "easter eggs" that require paying attention to small characters in the background or the margins. I've tried to replicate these little easter eggs with interesting items throughout my #comicbook room. Here is one of these little treasures -- #Moebius collectible trading cards from 1993 reprinting @TheArtOfMoebius .
#moebius #comicbook #madmagazine #KevinONeill #geoffdarrow #ComicArtists
La Bao ha messo fino a domani in offerta promozionale a 1,99 euro nei principali store di e-book i primi due volumi de La Lega degli Straordinari Gentlemen di Alan Moore e del compianto Kevin O'Neill. Direi proprio di approfittarne per chi ancora non conosce quest'opera monumentale, per poi magari approdare all'edizione cartacea (di recente BAO ha fatto uscire il volume conclusivo) #GraphicNovel #AlanMoore #KevinONeill #LeagueOfExtraordinaryGentlemen
#graphicnovel #alanmoore #KevinONeill #LeagueOfExtraordinaryGentlemen
One of my favourite #KevinONeill hilariously grotesque comics moments was his version of Daredevil in Marshal Law Takes Manhattan..
Thought I'd look online to complete my collection of the Complete Nemesis the Warlock (RIP #KevinONeill ) and copies of the volumes are going for 120 sterling as they're out of print. :/
Celebrar Kevin O’Neill # 02
#KevinONeill #Nemesis #NemesisTheWarlock #art #comics #comics_fhf
#KevinONeill #nemesis #NemesisTheWarlock #art #comics #comics_fhf
@sheridan RIP #KevinONeill :( re: Anatomy lesson, yeah! It was a special copy signed by everyone except #AlanMoore that was used as a fundraiser for Liz Wrightson after #BernieWrightson passed away. Here's a closer shot so you can see the signatures:
#berniewrightson #alanmoore #KevinONeill