#KhnyokWest dropped by #Adidas
#antisemitism #YeIsAScmuck
The only thing is, I have a problem with the ADL, because they are anti-BDS. I wish journalists would talk to #HopeNotHate, #GAPHE #SPLCenter (#SouthernPovertyLawCenter) Anyway, the vid is not all about the ADL, so please watch and RETWEET
#KhnyokWest #adidas #antisemitism #YeIsAScmuck #ABCNightline #hopenothate #GAPHE #SPLCenter #SouthernPovertyLawCenter
Antisemitism spreading after dumbass #KhnyokWest spouts fakakte
WHAT ...THE...FUCK!!!!
#KhnyokWest 's ugliness and hate spreads
#Fashion house #Balenciaga essentially told #antisemite & internalised #antiblackracist #KhnyokWest to fuck off
My sentiment as well!
#KanyeFEH or what the fuck you want to call him, he can Nem Zich a vanesh! ✡️
#fashion #balenciaga #antisemite #antiblackracist #KhnyokWest #KanyeFEH