🆘 ~ 64 vite in pericolo al largo della #Libia ❗️@alarm_phone segnala un gruppo di persone in fuga da #Khoms. Il gommone su cui si trovano sta affondando. E la cosiddetta Guardia costiera libica non risponde alle chiamate di soccorso.#DontLetThemDrownAlarm Phone: 🆘! ~64 lives at risk off Libya! Alarm Phone was alerted by a group in distress who fled from #Khoms in #Libya. They report their rubber boat is sinking! The so-called Libyan coastguard is not responding.Don't let them drown!
#libya #DontLetThemDrownAlarm #Khoms #libia
🆘 Gommone in difficoltà al largo della #Libia!@alarm_phone è in contatto con 35 persone in pericolo su un gommone a nord di #Khoms #Libia.La barca ha un buco e sta imbarcando acqua: temono di affondare e 7 persone sono già cadute in mare.#Soccorreteli!#DontLetThemDrownAlarm Phone: 🆘off the coast of #Libya!We were called by 35 people in a rubber boat north of Khoms, Libya. They said their boat has a hole and is taking on water, they fear they’re about to sink and 7 people have already fallen into the sea. They need urgent intervention - #DontLetThemDrown
#DontLetThemDrown #libya #DontLetThemDrownAlarm #soccorreteli #Khoms #libia