Today is #firstrobotics #FRC #Kickoff. I always struggle to sleep the night before kickoff because I'm just too darn. Excited to see what's going to happen.
Quick Overview of Kickoff Day
- The Kickoff website can be found here
- Please download the game manual to your laptops ahead of time as the website often gets slow during kickoff
- Once the game has been shared, many of today's videos will be available on the first youtube channel
We had our last #FRC #robotics meeting of the year and everyone is excited for next season that has a January 7th #Kickoff .
Some of the things we've been working on last few weeks are:
* Building a #prototype electrical board
* Getting all of her batteries ready
* Working on code for #Apriltags
* Fabricating bumper brackets
* Hosting some fundraisers
#frc #robotics #Kickoff #prototype #apriltags
Keynote von Manfred Tscheligi (AIT, Universität Salzburg) Industrie 5.0, Human in the Loop #EDIH #AI5production #Kickoff
Ich freue mich auf programmatische Klarheit! sagt @_FriedrichMerz #Grundsatzprogramm #Kickoff @CDU
RT @UNODC_EA: #Kenya: #Kickoff - @NCAJ_KE conference #HappeningNow
"@EUinKenya🇪🇺 is privileged to support you through the #PLEADYetu. As @NCAJ_KE it is key that you come together to coordinate all the #actors in the #justicechain to push for improvements."@EUAmbKenya
#Kenya #Kickoff #Happeningnow #PLEADyetu #actors #justicechain #CriminalJusticeReforms
KDE Tease ‘Production Ready’ Wayland Support, New App Menu in 2021
KDE Plasma users can look forward to several big changes this year, including improved Wayland session, fingerprint support, and a new app menu.
#News #Kde #Kickoff #Plasma #Wayland
#news #kde #Kickoff #Plasma #wayland