Der #Kickstarter ist zu Ende. Und nun?
Wie geht es weiter? Was müsst ihr tun?
#boardgames #kickstarterboardgames #kickstartergames
#Kickstarter #boardgames #kickstarterboardgames #KickstarterGames
Das Ende des Kickstarters rückt näher. Zum Schluss gibt es noch einen Livestream, Würfel! und Würfelteller!
#Battletech #Kickstarter #kickstarterboardgames #kickstartergames #miniaturegaming
#battletech #Kickstarter #kickstarterboardgames #KickstarterGames #miniaturegaming
Viel wurde versprochen und viel erhofft, nun ist das 8 Millionen Stretch Goal veröffentlicht worden.
Und es hat es in sich!
#battletech #Kickstarter #kickstartergames #kickstarterboardgames #militaryscifi #miniaturegaming #miniaturegames
#battletech #Kickstarter #KickstarterGames #kickstarterboardgames #militaryscifi #miniaturegaming #miniaturegames
Meine Pledge Level Grafiken sind nun auf das 3 Millionen $ Stretch Goal aktualisiert und ich habe eine Exceldatei hinzugefügt, die euch sagt, welcher tatsächliche Wert in jedem Pledge Level steckt.
#Battletech #kickstarter #kickstarterboardgames #kickstartergames #tabletopgaming #miniaturegaming #miniaturewargaming #tabletop #tabletopgames
#battletech #Kickstarter #kickstarterboardgames #KickstarterGames #tabletopgaming #miniaturegaming #miniaturewargaming #tabletop #tabletopgames
Der #Battletech Mecenaries #Kickstarter ist live!
Hier sind alle Infos zu Pledge Leveln, Belohnungen, und dem Preis pro Mini!
#tabletopgaming #miniature #miniaturewargaming #miniaturegaming #kickstarterboardgames #kickstartergames
#battletech #Kickstarter #tabletopgaming #miniature #miniaturewargaming #miniaturegaming #kickstarterboardgames #KickstarterGames
Das nächste Pledge Level für den #Battletech Mercenaries #Kickstarter ist jetzt verfügbar: Battalion.
Das sieht sehr nach meinem Pledge Level aus.
#TableTopWargaming #tabletopgaming #tabletopgames #kickstarterboardgames #kickstartergames
#battletech #Kickstarter #TabletopWargaming #tabletopgaming #tabletopgames #kickstarterboardgames #KickstarterGames
Der neue #Battletech Mercenaries #Kickstarter kommt mit einem Early Bird Special und vermutlich nach 5 Minuten mit einer Kurzgeschichte von Michael Stackpole.
#tabletopgaming #TableTopWargaming #tabletopgames #tabletop #kickstarterboardgames #kickstartergames
#battletech #Kickstarter #tabletopgaming #TabletopWargaming #tabletopgames #tabletop #kickstarterboardgames #KickstarterGames
Die Kickstarter-Seite ist nun verfügbar zum Voranmelden.
#Battletech #Kickstarter #miniaturegaming #miniaturewargaming #kickstarterboardgames #kickstartergames
#battletech #Kickstarter #miniaturegaming #miniaturewargaming #kickstarterboardgames #KickstarterGames
Dim-Sum: Duel of the Dumplings is finally on Kickstarter! Got to try an early copy of this great 2-player card game a while ago.
Super easy to learn, fast game play, lots of strategic options and player interaction. A truly fun game with lots of replayability and adorable art.
Check it out:
#KickstarterGames #CardGames #TabletopGames #DimSum #DimSumDuelOfTheDumplings
#KickstarterGames #cardgames #tabletopgames #dimsum #dimsumduelofthedumplings
My delayed Kickstarter game has finally arrived!! Looking forward to trying it out over the holidays. #theshivers #KickstarterGames #boardgame #popfictiongames
#theshivers #KickstarterGames #boardgame #popfictiongames
I just noticed a reference to Arrgh, Thar be Zombies!!! the pirate sourcebook for All Flesh Must Be Eaten in the inspired by section of the Pirate Borg Kickstarter. Totally missed that when I backed it.
Dan would have been proud and I’m pretty sure he would have backed this KS.
#rpg #kickstarter #KickstarterGames #AllFleshMustBeEaten #afmbe #PirateBorg #MorkBorg #MÖRKBORG #Arrghtharbezombies #zombies #pirates #zombiesvspirates
#rpg #kickstarter #KickstarterGames #allfleshmustbeeaten #afmbe #PirateBorg #MorkBorg #arrghtharbezombies #zombies #pirates #zombiesvspirates
How many #KickstarterGames have you backed, and how many have lived up to your expectations/hopes? I’m 0 for 3 with 3 campaigns still waiting to deliver. Even if those 3 are winners, that still is only a 50-50 average. Retail games have a much better track record for me.
I just backed Witch: Fated Souls 2nd Edition from Angry Hamster Publishing and it looks fantastic. I was already impressed by the 1st edition and this looks fabulous. Go check it out #TTRPGCommunity #ttrpg #rpg #KickstarterGames
#TTRPGCommunity #ttrpg #rpg #KickstarterGames
Final days to get the best GM advice book ever written by @postworldgames
#ttrpg #GMTips #rpg #KickstarterGames #badgms #goodadvice #amidoingitrite
#ttrpg #GMTips #rpg #KickstarterGames #badgms #goodadvice #amidoingitrite