I visited my 88 year old dad this weekend with the intention to record a specific family memory. This 13 minute story turned into a 44 minute ramble, and his meandering sparked a #gn idea. I’m super excited to get started on it in 2023!
#amwriting #writingcommunity #bookstadon #graphicnovel #kidlit #KidLitGN #illustratorsofmastodon #familyhistory #jewishstories
#jewishstories #familyhistory #illustratorsofmastodon #KidLitGN #kidlit #graphicnovel #bookstadon #writingcommunity #amwriting #gn
The library finally coughed up #LucieBryon’s ‘Thieves’ (much thanks to the #DurhamCounty #library system for buying this on my #recommendation).
A friend has recommended this for the #story, #art, and #comiccraft and it does not disappoint. I’m 14 pages in and I already MUST OWN THIS BOOK.
Her craft & skill in paneling, layout, and the 2 color palette is sublime. This is aspirational stuff.
#comics #GraphicNovel #comic #GraphicNovels #YA #YALit #KidLit #KidLitGN #book #books #bookstodon
#bookstodon #books #book #KidLitGN #kidlit #yalit #ya #graphicnovels #comic #graphicnovel #comics #comiccraft #art #story #recommendation #library #DurhamCounty #luciebryon
I'm new to writing #GraphicNovels. Only the script, not the art. Any other writers out there who have tips or can commiserate? Illustrators with advice to the author?
It ain't easy, but it's a fun challenge for my brain.
#writers #writingcommunity #amwriting #KidLitGN #graphicnovels
RT @brianhtaylor
Inked and ready for colors… #kidlit #kidlitgn #middlegrade #makingcomics
#makingcomics #middlegrade #KidLitGN #kidlit