Please boost even if this isn't for you. On Mastodon, favoriting is not like 'liking' on the other site. All it does is it tell the writer you liked it, there is no algorithm.
Trying to reach #KidneyVerse people on Mastodon
#KidneyDocs and #KidneyResearchers
Consider submitting your #KidneyResearch to #CJKHD (Canadian Journal of Kidney Health & Disease)
We have a policy of supportive review. Here's the piece we wrote about the central role of kindness in peer-review…
We aren't here on Mastodon yet but working on it. @CanJKHD at the other place.
#KidneyResearchers #kidneyresearch #KidneyVerse #KidneyDocs #CJKHD #KidneyKindness #kidney #AskRenal
@alexchangmd @hswapnil I guess I'd call this tertiary hyperparathyroidism, because of the hypercalcaemia. PTH should be suppressed for any other cause of hypercalcaemia, though that isa pathophysiology argument not one I can support with evidence. I think you've done due diligence for now diagnostically. Are you thinking of using bisphosphonate IV or only of hypercalcaemia worsens?
PS for others to have a chance of seeing and weighing in, which would be great, would value other #nephpearls #kidneyverse opinions, on Mastodon you have to reblog/boost. Unlike the birdsite, there's no algorithm that responds to likes, it just tells the person posting that you liked it.
Very nice to meet you and what an interesting post!
#KidneyDocs and #KidneyResearchers
Consider submitting your #KidneyResearch to #CJKHD (Canadian Journal of Kidney Health & Disease)
We have a policy of supportive review. Here's the piece we wrote about the central role of kindness in peer-review
We aren't here on Mastodon yet but working on it. @CanJKHD at the other place.
#kidneyresearch #CJKHD #KidneyKindness #Kindneww #KidneyVerse #KidneyDocs #KidneyResearchers
Excellent scoping review of rituximab dosing for #GlomerularDiseases #Glomerulonephritis #GN
#CJKHD - home of #SupportiveReview (#kindness #KidneyKindneww and #PortableReview
#CJKHD #SupportiveReview #kindness #KidneyKindneww #KidneyVerse #GlomerularDiseases #glomerulonephritis #gn #PortableReview #KidneyDocs
It's taken me a while to figure out how to write an #Introduction. Here goes:
I’d appreciate a boost to help meet like-minded here.
I’m a professor of medicine at McMaster University #MacDeptMed, #McMasterU
Clinically, I work as a #KidneyDoctor (#Nephrology)
I’m an associate member of #HEI (#Epidemiology) at #McMasterU
I’m a member of the Centre of Excellence in Protective Equipment and Materials (#PPE, #N95, #CEPEM) at #McMasterU
My #ClinicalResearch is in #KidneyDisease #KidneyEpi (#CKD, #Potassium, #CKDProgression) and #Masks
I’m editor-in-chief of #CJKHD (@CanJKHD on the birdsite, not here yet) an #OpenAccess kidney journal with #PublishingPolicy:
#SupportiveReview (#Kindness, #KidneyKindness)
#PortableReview (was your hard work rejected by a journal with IF>=4? Submit clean, redline, point-by-point response-to-reviews, and tell us which journal and undertake that you responded to all reviews received)
I’m editor-in-chief of which curates evidence on #BetterMasks and #MasksWork
For the pandemic, we need #SystemsApproaches because #CovidIsAirborne and #CovidIsNotOver. #DoAllTheThings #ventilation #filtration #PaidSickDays #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #MaskeAuf #MaskUp #MaskMandate #MaskMandateNow #CovidLong #LongCovid
I’d like to see #KidneyVerse as the tag to find others with interest in #KidneyHealth and #KidneyDisease. #AskKidney #AskRenal
Also trying to be #LGBTQ #LGBTQ2 ally, working on #EDI #equity #diversity #inclusion, interested in #SocialJustice #UrbanPlanning.
Treaty 3|Dish with One Spoon, Turtle Island; Hamilton ON Canada. She/her
#MacDeptMed #KidneyDoctor #Nephrology #HEI #epidemiology #ppe #n95 #CEPEM #clinicalresearch #KidneyEpi #potassium #CKDProgression #KidneyKindness #PortableReview #CovidIsNotOver #DoAllTheThings #ventilation #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #MaskUp #maskmandate #CovidLong #LongCovid #AskKidney #AskRenal #edi #introduction #mcmasteru #kidneydisease #Ckd #masks #CJKHD #openaccess #PublishingPolicy #SupportiveReview #kindness #BetterMasks #MasksWork #SystemsApproaches #COVIDisAirborne #filtration #paidsickdays #lgbtq #diversity #socialjustice #MaskeAuf #maskmandatenow #KidneyVerse #kidneyhealth #lgbtq2 #equity #inclusion #urbanplanning