Why do the spoons in our house disappear at almost quadruple the rate of other cutlery? We are buying packs of spoons every three months or so. Are my children turning them into shivs to attack each other? Are they trying to tunnel out?
Tonight I brought home some baklava, which—because I only talk Welsh to my kids—I told my youngest son Osian (5;9) had "mêl a chnau" ("honey and nuts") in it.
Osian: What does honey mean?
Me: 🤨
Osian: I mean, what does mêl mean?
#cymraeg #bilingualismisweird #KidsAreWeird
My kids hand rolled beeswax candles for our Christmas table. Raise your hand if you like my 9yo's candle.
#homeschoolers #kidhumor #KidsAreWeird
8yo to 10yo: Wanna play football?
10: Sure
Me: You don't have a football.
8: It's football without the ball
Me: So, roughhousing?
10: Athletic Roughhousing!
#parenting #kids #KidsAreWeird
8yo to 10yo: Wanna play football?
10: Sure
Me: You don't have a football.
8: It's football without the ball
Me: So, roughhousing?
10: Athletic Roughhousing!
# parenting #kids #KidsAreWeird