#GoodMorning! An improvised new route through #Morasko. Some nice #gravel roads there, I kinda liked it. And all within #Poznan city limits!🥰 #Cycling #Bicycle #Bici #Bicicleta #Ciclismo #Velo #Fahrrad #Rower #Wahoo #Wahooligan #Velominati #LifeBehindBars #LookMomNoHands #Fizik #SRAM #AXS #Eagle #DadOnBike #KidsOnBikes #FatherAndSons #Zurawiniec #Forest #BikeToot #BikeTooter @cycling @rower
#biketooter #biketoot #Forest #zurawiniec #fatherandsons #KidsOnBikes #dadonbike #Eagle #axs #SRAM #fizik #lookmomnohands #lifebehindbars #velominati #wahooligan #wahoo #rower #Fahrrad #velo #ciclismo #Bicicleta #bici #Bicycle #Cycling #poznan #gravel #morasko #GoodMorning
#Cycling with #children… You can tell them hundreds of times how devious the curb can be. They seem to never listen… #DadOnBike #KidsOnBikes #Bicycle #FatherAndSon
#fatherandson #Bicycle #KidsOnBikes #dadonbike #children #Cycling
30) OBSCURE RPG you’ve played
#KidsOnBikes is probably pretty obscure. It’s a wonderful collective exercise in world and story design and the soundtrack was a lot of fun for us, who grew up in the 80s. It’s kind of like playing Stranger Things or Goonies in a narrative game, light on rules and heavy on player participation. I cab recommend it.
3 things drained me completely today - pushing the younger kid, constantly reminding the older one to look ahead and the sun… Also, #Poznan #OldTown is something entirely different right now… 🤡#Cycling #Bicycle #Bici #Bicicleta #Ciclismo #Velo #Fahrrad #Rower #Wahoo #Wahooligan #Velominati #LifeBehindBars #LookMomNoHands #KidsOnBikes #DadOnBike #Rozkopane #Gravel #BikeToot #BikeTooter @cycling @rower
#biketooter #biketoot #gravel #rozkopane #dadonbike #KidsOnBikes #lookmomnohands #lifebehindbars #velominati #wahooligan #wahoo #rower #Fahrrad #velo #ciclismo #Bicicleta #bici #Bicycle #Cycling #oldtown #poznan
What was a bit boring for Piotr, was a challenge and an achievement for 2 years younger Franek! They’ve done 18km! My head hurts from trying to do crowd control, my left arm from supporting my body, while the right one helped Franek…🤡 #Cycling #Bicycle #Bici #Bicicleta #Ciclismo #Velo #Fahrrad #Rower #Wahoo #Wahooligan #Velominati #LifeBehindBars #Fizik #SRAM #AXS #FatherAndSons #Poznan #Malta #Maltanka #DadOnBike #KidsOnBikes #BikeToot #BikeTooter @cycling @rower
#biketooter #biketoot #KidsOnBikes #dadonbike #maltanka #Malta #poznan #fatherandsons #axs #SRAM #fizik #lifebehindbars #velominati #wahooligan #wahoo #rower #Fahrrad #velo #ciclismo #Bicicleta #bici #Bicycle #Cycling
Tomorrow is the first day of our #racingSchool at the #ShrewsburySportsVillage
24 young athletes.
Over 500 podiums between them.
It's going to be BRILLIANT!
#BikeTooter #bikeracing #cycling #cyclingcoach #athletes #kidsonbikes
#racingschool #shrewsburysportsvillage #BikeTooter #bikeracing #cycling #cyclingcoach #athletes #KidsOnBikes
@LeviKornelsen I'm mainly known for blogging/writing about #DnD #DnD5E, but in terms of what I'm playing, I've been branching out into #CypherSystem and #CourtOfBlades and am also keenly interested in trying out #HauntedWest, #BladesInTheDark, #KidsOnBikes and #Fiasco, among others.
I do almost all my work solo. Collaboration would be a nice change.
I'm way out of the industry loop—like, I can't even see it from where I am—so I don't talk about the State of Things much. But I listen, closely.
#DnD #dnd5e #cyphersystem #CourtofBlades #HauntedWest #bladesinthedark #KidsOnBikes #Fiasco
My favorite view from last week's cruise down the #VirginiaCreeperTrail
#VirginiaCreeperTrail #BikeTooter #KidsOnBikes #railtrails
Today at Shadomain we have a review of the #ttrpg Kids On Bikes from Renegade Games
Check it out here https://shadomain.com/review-kids-on-bikes/
#ttrpg #kidsonbikes #review #blog
#ttrpg #KidsOnBikes #review #blog
I really like all the recommendations I got for a #TTRPG system from this post. I also found out about #KidsOnBikes, which may also work really well since the premise of the system is really close to what I'm already looking for.
Yesterday we had LOTS of lovely #girlguides at our track! More to come today!
#shropshire #BikeTooter #KidsOnBikes #scouting #guides #GirlGuides
It looks nice and easy but it never actually is. It’s nerve racking and stressful to control both rules-ignoring/unaware disobedient kids at once. But I hope some day they will thank me for the effort they don’t yet know I’m making!🤡😂🙈#Cycling #Bicycle #Bici #Bicicleta #Ciclismo #Velo #Fahrrad #Rower #Wahoo #Wahooligan #Velominati #LifeBehindBars #KidsOnBikes #BikeToot #BikeTooter @rower @cycling
#biketooter #biketoot #KidsOnBikes #lifebehindbars #velominati #wahooligan #wahoo #rower #Fahrrad #velo #ciclismo #Bicicleta #bici #Bicycle #Cycling
Last day of #school. The kid's biking all the way home on her own for the first time.
We've been practicing for this day for weeks. She knows the rules, knows how to handle her bike, knows to look out for drivers because they're not looking out for her.
We can do this.
If you are out on the roads this afternoon, PLEASE keep your eyes peeled for happy kids about to embark on the best summer of their lives.
#SafeRoutesToSchool #KidsOnBikes #SafeStreetsForAll #HangUpAndDrive #BikeTooter
#school #saferoutestoschool #KidsOnBikes #safestreetsforall #HangUpAndDrive #BikeTooter
There's a quarter-mile stretch of #greenway on our route to #school that lets us momentarily forget to worry about the multi-ton high speed metal boxes that threaten our lives every day.
A moment of bliss in an otherwise screwed up world.
#SafeStreetsForAll #KidsOnBikes #SafeRoutesToSchool #AWorldWithoutCars #BikeTooter
#Greenway #school #safestreetsforall #KidsOnBikes #saferoutestoschool #AWorldWithoutCars #BikeTooter
This is a big freaking deal. We have always biked to school. We paid far more than we could afford for a house that made this possible. We have arranged our work schedules and lifestyles and vehicle ownership choices around the fact that our kid can ride her bike to school. If you follow me on social media, you know that my identity is wrapped up pretty tight in the idea that kids should be able to walk or #BikeToSchool.
#biketoschool #KidsOnBikes #saferoutestoschool
This morning's #BikeToSchool started out a little prickly, but it's hard to stay mad when you're riding a #bicycle. And if there's any angst leftover by the time you get to school, you can hug it out at the #bike rack.
#KidsOnBikes #BikeTooter #SafeRoutesToSchool #SafeStreetsForAll #LeaveTheCarAtHome
#biketoschool #bicycle #bike #KidsOnBikes #BikeTooter #saferoutestoschool #safestreetsforall #leavethecarathome
This morning we met up with 6 (SIX!) other #KidsOnBikes during our ride to school. Six smiling, happy, slightly flushed faces, all bright eyed and ready to start their day.
The activity, socialization, & independence these kids are getting is no small thing. The change in my kid's resilience & attitude since she's been riding her own bike to school has been remarkable.
When we deny kids #SafeRoutesToSchool, we deny them a huge part of their life.
#KidsOnBikes #saferoutestoschool #safestreetsforall #BikeTooter #biketoschool
Is there a more beautiful sight than two best friends riding their bikes to school together?
#SafeStreetsForAll #KidsOnBikes #SafeRoutesToSchool #Greenways #GreenwaysMakeItHappen #BikeTooter
#safestreetsforall #KidsOnBikes #saferoutestoschool #Greenways #GreenwaysMakeItHappen #BikeTooter
In early 2020, my daughter dropped out of kindergarten to write her first book. I've been told a second edition is in the works.
#BikesVsCars #TheWarOnCars #BikeTooter #KidsOnBikes #SafeStreetsForAll #FirstTimeAuthor
#BikesVsCars #thewaroncars #BikeTooter #KidsOnBikes #safestreetsforall #FirstTimeAuthor