Marthine Satris · @msatris
182 followers · 341 posts · Server

My kids are just loving Spirit Rangers on Netflix, from Karissa Valencia and her team of Native American actors and writers. It's centered on Chumash traditions, which is awesome and allows my kids to learn about Indigenous Californian culture.

Plus, the general how to live and world perspective concepts in it are awesome and so different than other shows for kids, even the good ones.

For example: Floods as a topic-- instead of, build a dam to protect things and control nature, the lessons learned are that the flood might disturb things, but it brings benefits too. Gotta let nature do its thing, it's wiser than us!

#spiritrangers #KidsTV #nativecreatives

Last updated 1 year ago

Everything Theatre · @everytheatre
16 followers · 42 posts · Server
Jon Hunt 🇪🇺 · @sccjono
90 followers · 460 posts · Server

I really feel that there is a niche in a service aimed at and . So many classic films and TV programmes. , classic , etc. So much great material that younger people never get to see and that we can barely remember.

#Streaming #boomers #genx #ealingcomedies #WarFilms #KidsTV

Last updated 2 years ago

Devorah Ostrov · @DevorahOstrov
60 followers · 265 posts · Server

Watching a kid's TV gameshow from 1979/80 called Runaround, and The Jags popped up. Reminded me how much I liked their song, "Written on the Back of My Hand" - described as the "best song Elvis Costello didn't write." (PS: This isn't the song they played on the show.)

#music #newwave #1980s #KidsTV

Last updated 2 years ago