Killed my lawn and replaced it with mostly native plants and small water features. I've never had so many fireflies! Also just got a hummingbird for the first time and am seeing so many happy bumblebees and butterflies.
Given the state of the world, it's good to remember Voltaire's words "one must cultivate one's garden."
Sweated blood yesterday and today trying to fill out just two more pages of necessary paperwork, and took several breaks in between to cover our freshly-mown front lawn with cardboard as the first step to grass replacement.
The latter was definitely more satisfying, and easier to measure the progress of. #Dopamine #KillYourLawn
Ok, so consensus is to mow it down first, cool.
Now, is it worth hiring a lawn care service for a patch of grass that's roughly 6 x 7m? Or should I ask a local homeowner friend to borrow their lawnmower for an afternoon?
Ooh, or better yet, anyone know someone with a pet goat they don't mind bringing out for the day? My kid would find that delightful. 🐐
#goat #KillYourLawn #otautahi #christchurch #NZTwits
Damn, spent so much time on other things, our front lawn has grown really L O N G, and now it needs to be mowed down before I dig it up to replace it with no-mow natives.
At least, according to most of the #KillYourLawn stuff I've read. Maybe it's fine to just dig up without mowing first, unless the mowing actually weakens the roots or something 🤷♂️
Anyone know?
4 Ways to Remove Your Grass Lawn #KillYourLawn #growfoodnotlawns,is%20the%20way%20to%20go.
#KillYourLawn #growfoodnotlawns
This was my first-year #gardening. My main goal was to grow #hops because I love the way they look and smell. I ended up doing more than just that and have decided to expand next year by killing my lawn and building raised beds.
I live in an 8b zone. I can not believe how well my little #garden thrived this year!
#gardening #Hops #garden #KillYourLawn #horticulture