Friends, the @KingofKingsdoc has been winning a lot of awards after its @chifilmfest screening.
This amazing documentary is a must-see if you live in Chicago or want to learn about Edward Jones!
#KingOfKings #EdwardJones
#KingOfKings is coming in February 2022. The story of Britain's kings and their alliance (or not) in the 920s.
#KingOfKings #TalesOfMercia #TheEagleOfMercia
Hmmm. What shall I do today? #KingOfKings is back with my editor. I could start the edits on #EagleOfMercia or I might not! Hum. Maybe I should work on a few blog pieces. Hmmmmmm
Today is the day I finish my copy edit on #KingOfKings
Ridiculously excited about this one. 10th century Britain and wow, the characters - Kings Athelstan, Constantin, Hywel, Owain of Strathclyde and Ealdred of Bamburgh. And that's not even mentioning the Norse!!
What a fabulous cover:)
#KingOfKings is coming in February 2022. The story of Britain's kings and their alliance (or not) in the 920s. I'm so excited about this one.