Tricia Sheehy Skeffington · @Trshsk
20 followers · 11 posts · Server

Here's my , a month or so after inelegantly taking flight from the bird site.

I'm a with interests in law -judicial decision-making. Civil law generally.

I'm Dublin-based and get around on my

I established the Advanced Diploma in Quasi-Judicial Decision Making in the , which I co-ordinate and lecture on.

#introduction #lawyer #equality #housing #administrative #iplaw #quasi #bike #KingsInns

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Shubhangi Karmakar · @Repealist_
1282 followers · 710 posts · Server

I don't think the are on here, but honestly woke up today feeling so grateful for the faculty, course friends and alumni from I'm so lucky to have in my life.

I've never seen this kind of solidarity and support in my time in undergraduate or postgraduate medicine, and I feel so lucky to be able to make friends in my new education and hopefully also career path in .

#KingsInns #lawschool #law

Last updated 2 years ago

Bríd McGrath · @bridmcgrath
125 followers · 118 posts · Server

@jdmccafferty that’s great John. There are references to the purchase of in the for that period. Plus ones for the judges. And SO many trenchers.

#pewter #spoons #KingsInns #BlackBook #silver #earlymodern #ireland #mastodaoine #histordons

Last updated 2 years ago