SchwarzRund · @SchwarzRund
344 followers · 149 posts · Server

2. Book of the Week
A Queer and pleasent Danger, Kate Bornstein

It is amazing, so much to say so few signs. It is the of Kate, who as a young queer person joined and later was pushed out only to become a amazing performer, writer and Explorer of their sexuality, and cis-women and trans policies in the making. I loved kates reflections on unreliable narration. I hope the daughter will get out of Scientology.

#autobiography #scientology #Kinks #bookreport #bookreview

Last updated 2 years ago

Patricio Bateman · @PatricioBateman
330 followers · 4609 posts · Server

Los eligieron los interiores de Archway Tavern para la tapa de que hoy cumple 50 años. Un clásico espacio de distención para los obreros de la zona norte de Londres de donde son originarios Ray y Dave Davies. Y un álbum que retrata canción tras canción las vicisitudes de la vida moderna.

#Kinks #MuswellHill #EfemeridesRock

Last updated 3 years ago