Today’s #FridayKiss was a tough one, but I love this early scene still in the “he’s hot but oh hell no” stages.
#ContemporaryRomance #SteamyRomance #KissingBooks #RomanceWriter
#romancewriter #KissingBooks #steamyromance #contemporaryromance #fridaykiss
Closest I could get for the #fridaykiss word: connection.
#romancewriter #steamyromance #contemporaryromance #kissingbooks
“You were worried the gossip train would start up about us having lunch together.” His eyes crinkled in the corners as his smile got even wider. Then he winked like the insufferable jock he was.
Correction: insufferable HOT jock.
#KissingBooks #contemporaryromance #steamyromance #romancewriter #fridaykiss
First coffee thoughts:
Missing my children. The twins are new to PhD programs in Rochester, NY (optics) and Columbia, SC (physics). My oldest is a fisheries biologist for the state of NC.
I made scientists and kissing books. This is good🥹
#EmptyNest #FirstCoffeeThoughts #KissingBooks #scientists