Now in HTML
Martin #Heidegger, Media, and the Gods of Greece
De-severance Heralds the Approach of the Gods
Friedrich #Kittler
We always heard a lot about Frankfurt or Bielefeld as the centers of German intellectuality in the 70s and 80s. I would rather have preferred to follow the discussions in Freiburg between #Kittler and #Theweleit about #Lacan. #philosophy #culturalstudies
#Kittler #theweleit #lacan #philosophy #culturalstudies
"Schon jetzt gibt es Unmengen von Daten, die schlicht deshalb unlesbar sind, weil sich die Computer, die sie geschrieben haben, nicht mehr zum Laufen bringen lassen. Ohne Gedächtnis und d. h. ohne eine Geschichte, die auch und gerade Maschinen unter #Artenschutz stellt, ist die Erbschaft dieser Zeit also nicht an die kommende weiterzugeben." (Friedrich #Kittler (1999): Von der Implementierung des Wissens. In:
#artenschutz #Kittler #hardwarepreservation #mediaarchaeology
Altogether, I still have several thousand pages and probably seven versions printed and manually corrected by #Kittler in several Leitz binders.
Been going through old paper files in my former Berlin apartment and found early #LaTeX galleys I had made of #Kittler’s „Musik und Mathematik“ with handwritten edits and corrections by him. I am still amazed at my own stupidity for not properly versioning the hundreds of variants we did together both content- and form-wise. The process for vol. 1 was immensely idiotic, too: Kittler wrote the book in Emacs and in latin-9 encoded plain text, I manually copied and pasted it and turned everything into compilable LaTeX, over and over again, over the course of a year. Later on, we figured out Greek input methods and fonts, which made it even more fun and breakable. This was between 2004 and 2005.
Seit ich #Kittler|s #Dracula-Text gelesen habe, faszinieren mich Vampire und Un-Tote.
Der Text von Tanja Hamann (2020) war Hinführung: "Un-Tote - Eine Untersuchung anhand von Bram Stokers Dracula.." #Medientheorie #Literatur
Hamann: "Der Vampir ... verfügt über unmenschliche Kräfte und kann schneller laufen als der Wind. Sein bester Schutz ist die Fähigkeit zur Transmutation. Er kann sich durch pure Willenskraft in einen Wolf, kleine Lichtpunkte oder Nebel verwandeln."
#literatur #medientheorie #dracula #Kittler
New instance, new introduction: I’m a cultural and #media theorist and curator, based in Vienna and currently holding a professorship for Knowledge Cultures in the #Digital Age at the Institute for #Design Research at HBK Braunschweig. I also currently teach at the media and theatre departments of Uni Vienna and Uni Basel. I often also work with #art schools and #museums. Studied Cultural Studies and Computer Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, where I also worked as Friedrich #Kittler’s assistant until his death. Now also co-editor of his collected works, focussing on #sourcecode. Later held a position at the chair for #MediaTheory with Wolfgang Ernst and was involved in #GermanMediaTheory and the #BerlinSchool. Then worked at #CDC #Leuphana. My teaching and research is about critical technologies and their study, the relationship of art, design and technology (curated Vienna Biennial 2019 on AI and art But my MA and PhD were about the #transmission of knowledge between #China and the West, focussing on writing and language techniques and technologies and the influence China had on the development of ideas of computability with symbolic means in the West. Book „Chinese Whispers and The Great Loop Forward“ forthcoming with #Merve Verlag.
#media #digital #design #art #museums #Kittler #sourcecode #MediaTheory #GermanMediaTheory #BerlinSchool #cdc #Leuphana #transmission #china #Merve
A conference on #games and #literature seems to be the right place for me to insist on #SourceCode as "literature for compilers" (#Kittler) and a rich ressource of textual features (for human readers)!
#games #literature #sourcecode #Kittler
A conference on #games and #literature seems to be the right place for me to insist on #SourceCode as "literature for compilers" (#Kittler) and as a rich ressource of textual features (for human readers)!
#games #literature #sourcecode #Kittler
"Lesen funktioniert wie das Halluzinieren einer Bedeutung zwischen Buchstaben und Linien."
Friedrich #Kittler
Heute Lehre im Lehrgang #Medienpädagogik, Thema: #Medientheorien; engagierte Gruppe, ausgebuchter Lehrgang; skizziert #McLuhan ("Extensions of Man"), #Benjamin ("Vervielfältigung"), #Kittler ("medientechnisches Apriori")
#medienpädagogik #Medientheorien #Kittler #mcluhan #benjamin