Tucker Carlson for April 14th, 2023
Tucker does a deep dive into the attack on human dignity and individual autonomy that is the eat-ze-bugs plan by the globalists. Anyone doubting that is the purpose of these measures only needs to check the menu at the last Davos conference and look at the parking lot of the airport nearby.
#KlausSchwabWEF #TuckerCarlson
#TuckerCarlson #KlausSchwabWEF
Davos video on monitoring brain data
I got an email saying this video had basically been scrubbed from the net. As it happened, I had a copy of it so here it is.
German video on upgrading the human being
To be fair, if one watches this one could have an entertaining debate with oneself about what constitutes a problem and what doesn't
We could, should we choose to be Devil's Advocate on this, ask if getting a cavity filled is an upgrade. Ok then, how about dental implants? Fake breasts on women, and increasingly these days, on men.
#KlausSchwabWEF #Science
Noah Harai, Klaus Schwab's 2nd in command. He is another soulless demon.
If only Snowcrash were real and we could give it to him.
#noahharai #klausschwab #KlausSchwabWEF #klausschwab_great_reset #KlausSchwabiscommunism
#noahharai #klausschwab #KlausSchwabWEF #klausschwab_great_reset #KlausSchwabiscommunism
Cooking with Klaus Schwab
The #Reptilian Cookbook
#reptilian #klausschwab #KlausSchwabWEF
More awesomeness from the new Alberta Premiere!
In case you think she is lying:
#Alberta #Influentialleftistsupranationalorgs #KlausSchwabWEF
#KlausSchwabWEF #Influentialleftistsupranationalorgs #Alberta
WEF – United Nations Says “We Own The Science”
Melissa Fleming, of the United Nations Department of Global Communications team, says that through their partnership with Google, they have been able to eliminate any opposing viewpoints from coming up when people search 'climate change' through the worlds mo
#GlobalWarming #Google #Governmentmediacomplex #informationwarfare #KlausSchwabWEF #UnitedNations
#UnitedNations #KlausSchwabWEF #informationwarfare #Governmentmediacomplex #Google #GlobalWarming
Partial interview with German economist, Ernst Wolff on digital money and the near future
This probably should be seen by anyone who is wondering if and how they can preserve any actual currency or wealth as governments seek to replace regular money, which means freedom in many important ways, with a programmable tra
#Economicmeltdown #GreatReset #KlausSchwabWEF
#KlausSchwabWEF #GreatReset #Economicmeltdown
Panel discussion on the WEF with Dr. Kat Lindley
#Covidmeasures #KlausSchwabWEF #Massiveconspiracy
#Massiveconspiracy #KlausSchwabWEF #Covidmeasures
World Economic Forum video on gene editing
Vladimir Putin in his own words
Watch and think.
#KlausSchwabWEF #Putin #Russia
#Russia #Putin #KlausSchwabWEF
Dutch Government acts out against Dutch Farmers who they have illegally disenfranchised in the name of AGW
AGW of course means Anthropogenic Global Warming. And the farmers are accused of generating nitrogen. Nitrogen
#demographyisdestiny #InvasionofEurope #Islam #KlausSchwabWEF #Populationreplacement #TheNetherlands #TrojanHorse #UnitedNations
#UnitedNations #TrojanHorse #TheNetherlands #Populationreplacement #KlausSchwabWEF #Islam #InvasionofEurope #demographyisdestiny
WEF’s Yuval Harari
I've been wondering about this guy for a while. The stuff he says is beyond outrageous. If he means what he says, one can imagine him in the town square with his head and hands in stocks while people throw things at him as a tape of what he says plays in a loop. But most of the clips I have seen have been edited in such a way that its not unfathomable that he actually was trying
#ExposingLeftism #KlausSchwabWEF
#KlausSchwabWEF #ExposingLeftism
The WEF had it planned all along
This guy seems to have done his homework. Comments most welcome.
#Gallopingstatism #KlausSchwabWEF
#KlausSchwabWEF #Gallopingstatism
Pay no attention to the man behind the iron-curtain
Computing Forever- Davos
#ComputingForever #ExposingLeftism #KlausSchwabWEF
#KlausSchwabWEF #ExposingLeftism #ComputingForever
Rand Paul on the danger of a one-world government
#ExposingLeftism #KlausSchwabWEF
#KlausSchwabWEF #ExposingLeftism
Jack Posobiec arrested by WEF police!
Try to find today's broadcast of the The Charlie Kirk show.
In it he interviews Jack Posobiec right as he was released from custody from the World Economic Forum Police. Not the Davos, or even Swiss police, but the WEF ones. A group of them pointed MP5s at Jack and his crew, and demanded to see his footage.
As Charlie points out, no NYT
#freedomofspeech #KlausSchwabWEF
#KlausSchwabWEF #freedomofspeech
Interesting video revealing the WEF’s own website claims and intentions
The Rebel has obtained Global Affairs documents regarding WEF Great Reset meetings
FWIW, The renaming of our ministry of Foreign Affairs to "Global Affairs" by Trudeau all by itself is a pretty powerful indicator of his intention to destroy Ca
#Communism #CommunistFrontGroups #KlausSchwabWEF #RebelMedia #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #RebelMedia #KlausSchwabWEF #CommunistFrontGroups #Communism