#TaxBillionairesOutOfExistence: Leading #welfare recipient “#SpaceX had recently given the #Pentagon an ultimatum: if it didn’t assume the cost of providing service in #Ukraine, which the company calculated at some four hundred million dollars annually, it would cut off access.”
#ShadowRule #PentagonIsTheLargestEmitter
#pentagon #ukraine #pentagonisthelargestemitter #taxbillionairesoutofexistence #welfare #spacex #Kleptocracy #shadowrule
#Kleptocracy #BeyondBelief: The crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is "beyond belief," says #humanitarian leader Jan Egeland of Norway. "Nowhere else in the world is there more than 25 million people experiencing #violence, #hunger, #disease, #neglect."
#ResourceTheft #NewColdWar #DeterioratingCarbonSinks
#Kleptocracy #beyondbelief #humanitarian #violence #hunger #disease #neglect #resourcetheft #newcoldwar #deterioratingcarbonsinks
#Kleptocracy’s inner machinations: powerful California lobbying firms — including those with ties to Gov. Gavin Newsom and other state Democratic leaders — are effectively acting as double agents for both the culprits of climate change and its victims, according to F Minus…lawmakers are preparing to vote on a climate bill
#PetroOligarchsAreRICO #NationalizeFossilFuels #AcceleratingKeelingCurve
#Kleptocracy #petrooligarchsarerico #nationalizefossilfuels #acceleratingkeelingcurve
#AfricanSpring from #poverty of #FrancAfrique after 56 year of #kleptocracy by the Bongo family for Total and Perenco- should be supported by the AU.
#PetroOligarchsAreRICO #PanamaPapers #PublishingIsntACrime #neoconservatism #RealEstateLaundering
#africanspring #poverty #francafrique #Kleptocracy #petrooligarchsarerico #panamapapers #publishingisntacrime #neoconservatism #realestatelaundering
#Advocacy group #FoodAndWaterWatch noted that one #oilcompany, Occidental, stands to benefit directly. "Direct #aircapture is expensive, unproven, and will ultimately make almost no difference in reducing climate pollution... Capturing just a quarter of our annual carbon emissions would require all of the power currently generated in the country."
#Advocacy #foodandwaterwatch #oilcompany #aircapture #Kleptocracy #regulatorycapture #greenwashing
#OilRich, what is it good for: But for many Nigerians, #unemployment is rampant, helping to fuels a major #exodus of “very #desperate people either fleeing #conflict or fleeing the #degradation of #livingconditions due to #climatechange or due to other social factors”
#oilrich #unemployment #exodus #desperate #conflict #degradation #livingconditions #climatechange #Kleptocracy #renewablesaredeflationary
#Uranium #Gold #Iron #Phosphate #Oil mining attracts the worst #neocolonial criminals for #Kleptocracy to countries where more than 50% makes less than $2/day: France, Germany, Italy, Belgium — Canada and the US were pouring #security #assistance — that is, funding for #military and #police efforts, training efforts, a lot of weapons sales… to kind of bolster this so-called #democracy.
NoTHiNg tO SeE hEre! ☀️🏖️
#uranium #gold #iron #phosphate #oil #neocolonial #Kleptocracy #security #assistance #military #police #democracy
#OurCoup: The Intercept has confirmed. U.S.-trained military officers have taken part in 11 #coups in #WestAfrica since 2008.
“We have had a very long relationship with the United States,” Barmou said in 2021. “Being able to work together in this capacity is very good for #Niger.”
#regimechange #resourcecolonialism #washington #Kleptocracy
#ourcoup #coups #westafrica #niger #regimechange #resourcecolonialism #washington #Kleptocracy
Spotlight on the #kleptocracy: Last month, #JPMorgan paid $290 million to settle a civil lawsuit brought by an anonymous #Epstein victim who accused the #bank of helping to facilitate Epstein's crimes, but an avalanche of documents that dropped last night indicates that the feds are not done…
#Kleptocracy #jpmorgan #epstein #bank #taxbillionairesoutofexistence
These #protesters are now at the center of a maddening, often unexamined #reality of the #climatecrisis: that around the world, #governments dole out more consequences for the people who #protest #climateinjustice than they do for the people who #perpetrate it.
Imagine what the planet would look like if we treated real #climatecriminals this way.
#protesters #reality #climatecrisis #governments #protest #climateinjustice #perpetrate #climatecriminals #Kleptocracy #taxbillionairesoutofexistence
Constructing the #kleptocracy: “Patrice #Lumumba offered a fleeting chance at a different fate, but the #neocolonial machinery of the #West chopped him down and replaced him with someone who would keep their #riches flowing.” And that was the longtime, decades-long #dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko, long supported by the #UnitedStates.
#Kleptocracy #lumumba #neocolonial #west #riches #dictator #unitedstates
#kleptocracy: the ore that these #children are digging that has #cobalt in it often has traces of #radioactive #uranium. So, the #publichealth #catastrophe on top of the #humanrights #violence on top of the #environmental #destruction is unlike anything we’ve ever seen in the #moderncontext. And the fact that it is linked to #companies worth #trillions and that our lives depend on this #enormous #violence has to be dealt with.
#Modernity #electricalvehicles #KeelingCurve
#Kleptocracy #children #cobalt #radioactive #uranium #publichealth #catastrophe #humanrights #violence #environmental #destruction #moderncontext #companies #trillions #enormous #modernity #electricalvehicles #keelingcurve #obliviousconsumption
#Kleptocracy prolonging #fossilfuels: So far, attempts to build power plants using this technology, often known by the acronyms #CCS or #CCUS, have cost #billions of dollars and usually #failed to #work as advertised, as my colleague Nicholas Kusnetz has reported. Despite this track record, the Inflation Reduction Act includes an increase in carbon capture funding, inserted into the bill at the insistence of Sen. Joe #Manchin, D- West Virginia.
#Kleptocracy #Ccs #ccus #billions #failed #work #manchin #fossilfuels #keepitintheground #coalsubsidies
#bipartisan: Congress spared military-related programs any cuts while freezing all other categories of discretionary spending at the fiscal year 2023 level (except support for veterans)… for the only government agency that’s failed to pass a single financial audit!
#SlushFund #Kleptocracy #foreverwars
#PeopleOverPentagon #PentagonIsACarbonBomb
#BiPartisan #slushfund #Kleptocracy #foreverwars #peopleoverpentagon #pentagonisacarbonbomb
#Kleptocracy #mouthpiece: Bill Grueskin, professor of #journalism at Columbia, told the Times that the fact that Singer’s #SCOTUSVote “chose The Journal — and that the #editorial page was willing to serve as his loyal #factotum — says a great deal about the relationship between the two parties.”
#Kleptocracy #mouthpiece #journalism #scotusvote #editorial #factotum #purchasedjustice #plantationcourt #corruptscotus
#CorruptionBromance involving Singer, Alito, Leo: #Alito did not recuse himself from the case and voted with the 7-1 majority in Singer’s favor. The hedge fund was ultimately paid $2.4 billion.
#corruptionbromance #alito #plantationcourt #purchasedjustice #Kleptocracy
#AbolishTheCourt #statehood #ExpandTheCourt #PlantationJustice #EndTheFilibuster #AbolishTheElectoralCollege #EndCitizensUnited#HarlanCrowJustice
#abolishthecourt #statehood #ExpandTheCourt #plantationjustice #EndTheFilibuster #AbolishTheElectoralCollege #EndCitizensUnited #unethicalscotus #americancorruption #Kleptocracy #carceralstate
#kleptocracy’s free hand of the market is white #WelfareCapitalism: When even the owners want to exit the business and the government takes over so “regulators can determine how much more billions rate payers will pay!”
#Kleptocracy #welfarecapitalism
#Kleptocracy's golden handshake invested in #bipartisan #carbonbombs: As #climatechange jeopardizes the American West’s tenuous #water supplies, the Utah project — which already received federal #permitting approval — is audacious. It aims to run #trains full of #petroleum from Northeast Utah’s Uinta Basin along the banks of the #ColoradoRiver as it winds through treacherous canyons prone to #rockslides and mudslides.
#Kleptocracy #BiPartisan #CarbonBombs #climatechange #water #permitting #trains #petroleum #coloradoriver #rockslides
#Kleptocracy: They lost a lot of money. The shareholders bore those costs. Once the wholesale prices started dropping, those plants started losing money. FirstEnergy and AEP says, Well, what do we do with these things? I know. Let's bring them to West Virginia. Let's put them on the backs of the West Virginia ratepayers.
History of ratepayers bailing out the corruption being legalized in #SCROTUS.
#RenewablesAreDeflationary #RepublicansBackLosers
#CoalDependencyPath #Manchin #utilities #transmission
#Kleptocracy #scrotus #renewablesaredeflationary #republicansbacklosers #coaldependencypath #manchin #utilities #transmission