birgitrabisch · @birgitrabisch
265 followers · 606 posts · Server

Gestern war ich mit Schüler*innen in Mexiko via Zoom verabredet. Sie lesen mein Buch „Duplik Jonas 7“.

Viele fragten ähnlich wie deutsche Schüler*innen: Wie stehen Sie zur ? Hätten Sie gern einen ? Gibt es eine Fortsetzung?
Schwierig war: Bei einigen war der Akzent so stark, dass ich ihre Fragen kaum verstand. Und es war nicht so einfach, in einfachem Deutsch zu antworten.

Für mich eine sehr interessante Erfahrung!

#Gentechnologie #Klon #sf #sciencefiction #literaturblogkreis #buch

Last updated 2 years ago

Falk Wussow 🔆 · @falkwussow
68 followers · 1048 posts · Server

Interessanter Fakt für Christen: hat bekanntlich aus Adams einen zweiten Menschen geschaffen. Genetisch also einen . Da der Klon weiblich auftrat, muss Eva eine sein.


#gott #rippe #Klon #Transfrau

Last updated 2 years ago

Laut , freigesetzt bei in Quelle:

In einem , das jetzt auf dem Preprint-Server „ “ veröffentlicht und noch nicht wissenschaftlich begutachtet wurde, weisen sie darauf hin, dass --2 mit hoher als infektiöser entstanden sein könnte, der in einem erzeugt wurde.

#usa #coronavirus #labor #unfall #wuhan #fokus #forschungspapier #biorxiv #SARS #CoV #Wahrscheinlichkeit #Klon

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
206 followers · 436 posts · Server

The morning is almost over, so it's time to wrap up this instalment of .

The is not a killer for me. It's not going to kick my off my board.

It's a *great* sounding pedal - right up there with my beloved .

It gives me another option when I want tweed tone - and I *love* having options.

#CoffeeAndKlon #PRs #Horsemeat #Klon #KTR #TweedTone #SHOD

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
205 followers · 435 posts · Server

After spending the whole morning with them (and with you! thank you to everyone who has been following along today) ...

... I think I prefer the with the for *this particular guitar*.

I wasn't expecting that.

I've spent the last two months feeling that the was my new #1 pedal. Now, I'm not so sure, at least not with my Les Paul.

#Klon #SHOD #Horsemeat

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
205 followers · 435 posts · Server

This photo shows how I'm currently dialling in the to get me a tone that's very similar to my beloved .

It isn't the same:

* it's thicker,
* doesn't have quite-as-prominent upper mids
* is more compressed

Stick a in front of it, and it sounds glorious.

#Horsemeat #SHOD #Klon

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
205 followers · 435 posts · Server

Even though PRS have marketed the as a killer, they've always been clear that it isn't based on the Klon circuit.

And that leads me onto the second - and final - part of today's ...

... and the other reason I've got the on my board for this 🙂

#Horsemeat #Klon #CoffeeAndKlon #SHOD

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
205 followers · 435 posts · Server

I'm not going to test the as a cranked boost into a cranked amp today.

It's simply not what I use my for.

It's not my world, and I don't know enough about it to say anything really about that.

I'm sure you can find plenty of folks on YouTube who have done exactly that. Go and listen to them on that use case!

#PRs #Horsemeat #Klon

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
205 followers · 435 posts · Server

It's not just my ears telling you that there's a difference.

Here's a screenshot of the three takes I've recorded so far.

* Top is +
* Middle is the SHOD on its own
* Bottom is + SHOD

The Horsemeat brings a *lot* of compression to the table.

Not saying it's a bad thing, just that it's another way that the Horsemeat is different to a clean-boosting Klon.

#Klon #KTR #SHOD #Horsemeat

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
203 followers · 425 posts · Server

It's not just my ears telling you that there's a difference.

Here's a screenshot of the three takes I've recorded so far.

* Top is +
* Middle is the SHOD on its own
* Bottom is + SHOD

The Horsemeat brings a *lot* of compression to the table.

Not saying it's a bad thing, just that it's another way that the Horsemeat is different to a clean-boosting Klon.

#Klon #KTR #SHOD #Horsemeat

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
205 followers · 435 posts · Server

No matter what I try, I can't make the provide the same kind of clean boost that my does.

The Horsemeat just doesn't seem to have the same kind of mid-boost that the Klon does.

To be honest, that makes sense: the Horsemeat's full name is the Horsemeat Transparent Overdrive. It's hard to be 'transparent' if a pedal brings a serious mid-boost to the table.

#PRs #Horsemeat #Klon #KTR

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
205 followers · 435 posts · Server

For comparison, I'm going to take the out of the circuit, and recording the same piece just using the on its own.

There's a good reason why (AFAIK) the is the tweed-tone pedal that's been in continuous production the longest. I love this pedal so much.

Definitely sounds better when boosted by the though!

#KTR #SHOD #Klon

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
205 followers · 435 posts · Server

Hopefully that's enough introductions / explanations 🙂

To start with, I'm running the into the .

The KTR is setup in the classic clean-boost role:

* Gain around 8 o'clock
* Treble at 1 o'clock
* Volume round about unity or so

This is home for me. It's not my desert island tone: it's my last-day-on-earth tone.

There'll be an audio demo of this when the blog post comes out.

#Klon #KTR #SHOD

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
201 followers · 415 posts · Server

(I'm starting to think has crashed while self-updating ...)

Here's what I'm starting with on the board:


All three pedals are in separate loops on my trusty old G2, so they can't interfere with the overall tone when they're not in use.

#luna #Klon #KTR #PRs #Horsemeat #MadProfessor #SHOD #Gigrig

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
203 followers · 418 posts · Server

Good morning, everyone!

This morning - as previously promised - I'm going to do my first live on here.

Today, I'm going to be talking about my favourite overdrive pedal: the .

PRS have marketed this as a killer. Why has it become my favourite pedal, and can it replace the Klon on my board?

#CoffeeAndKlon #PRs #Horsemeat #Klon #KTR

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
203 followers · 419 posts · Server

This evening, I made the mistake of commenting on a recent YouTube video about and pedals.

(I’ve a fairly extensive collection of these pedals, and a rig that does a good job of letting the differences shine through.)

I’d forgotten just how toxic the comment section on YouTube is. It’s been nothing but bile and abuse since I posted.

If nothing else, a timely reminder to never bother making videos myself.

#Klon #klone #guitar

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
203 followers · 419 posts · Server

@squarepeig as an overdrive pedal, I find the Tumnus Mini to be at the very top-end of smooth-sounding pedals, along with the .

I prefer the over the because of the extra EQ controls.

Being able to turn down the bass helps with non-Teles.

The mids control turns the into a useful tool for fixing tone problems at times too.

#Wampler #Klon #klone #jrad #ArcherIkon #TumnusDeluxe #TumnusMini

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
203 followers · 419 posts · Server

@squarepeig the Tumnus Mini is an interesting .

It's a very good choice for anyone who lives on the bridge pickup of a in particular, because of the extra bass it produces.

I find that extra bass a bit problematic for the mighty , especially because I play rhythm in the middle position there.

#Wampler #Klon #klone #telecaster #lespaul

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Herbert · @stuherbert
203 followers · 419 posts · Server

Sadly, there seem to be no people within my observable fediverse who are talking about the 🙁

I guess I need to try and help with that on Sunday, with a live thread. Don’t think I’ve done one of those yet this year? I can’t remember.

Topic will be the pedal. Spoiler alert: great great pedal, but not replacing the Klon on my board.

Afterwards, I’ll repost it on the with audio samples.

#Klon #CoffeeAndKlon #PRs #Horsemeat #HomeToneBlog #guitar

Last updated 2 years ago

Buchszene (inoffiziell) · @buchszene_BOT
38 followers · 1403 posts · Server