#Live #recording of #Autumn #Suite
you can use the discount code
to have a 95% discount valid on everything. It may be combined also with the discount of the entire discography. It works only on the desktop website, not on the mobile bandcamp app.
#music #classical #classicalmusic #violin #piano #live #libraryofcongress #Coolidge #bernecoli #Corazza #Italy #usa #Washington #dc #kluge #modernclassical #chamber #chambermusic #Bandcamp
#Bandcamp #chambermusic #chamber #modernclassical #Kluge #dc #washington #USA #italy #corazza #bernecoli #coolidge #libraryofcongress #piano #violin #classicalmusic #classical #music #suite #autumn #recording #live
#Live #recording of #Autumn #Suite
you can use the #discount code
to have a 95% discount valid on everything. It may be combined also with the discount of the entire discography. It works only on the desktop website!
#music #classical #classicalmusic #violin #piano #live #libraryofcongress #Coolidge #bernecoli #Corazza #Italy #usa #Washington #dc #kluge #modernclassical #chamber #chambermusic #Bandcamp #bandcampcodes #composer #contemporary
#contemporary #composer #bandcampcodes #Bandcamp #chambermusic #chamber #modernclassical #Kluge #dc #washington #USA #italy #corazza #bernecoli #coolidge #libraryofcongress #piano #violin #classicalmusic #classical #music #discount #suite #autumn #recording #live
#Live #recording of #Autumn #Suite
you can use the discount code
to have a 95% discount valid on everything. It may be combined also with the discount of the entire discography. It works only on the desktop website, not on the mobile bandcamp app.
#music #classical #classicalmusic #violin #piano #live #libraryofcongress #Coolidge #bernecoli #Corazza #Italy #usa #Washington #dc #kluge #modernclassical #chamber #chambermusic #Bandcamp #bandcampcodes
#bandcampcodes #Bandcamp #chambermusic #chamber #modernclassical #Kluge #dc #washington #USA #italy #corazza #bernecoli #coolidge #libraryofcongress #piano #violin #classicalmusic #classical #music #suite #autumn #recording #live
#Live #recording of #Autumn #Suite
use the discount code
to have a 95% discount valid on everything. It may be combined also with the discount of the entire discography. It works only on the desktop website, not on the mobile bandcamp app.
#music #classical #classicalmusic #violin #piano #live #libraryofcongress #Coolidge #bernecoli #Corazza #Italy #usa #Washington #dc #kluge #modernclassical #chamber #chambermusic #Bandcamp #bandcampcodes
#bandcampcodes #Bandcamp #chambermusic #chamber #modernclassical #Kluge #dc #washington #USA #italy #corazza #bernecoli #coolidge #libraryofcongress #piano #violin #classicalmusic #classical #music #suite #autumn #recording #live
RT @Letnapark@twitter.com
In Gefahr und größter Not bringt der Mittelweg den Tod.
Friedrich von #Logau *14.1.jul/ 24.1.1605 Nimptsch - 14.7.jul./ 24.7.1655 Liegnitz; Barockdichter
Film 1974 von Alexander #Kluge
mit #Alexandra Kluge
[auch alter Sponti-Spruch, nach Ernst #Bloch]
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Letnapark/status/1617791080950554630
#logau #Kluge #alexandra #Bloch
world changing rage... In the Dialectic of Enlightenment Adorno and Horkheimer say that enlightenment is processed even in myths. Therefore they teach we should take possession of such older stories, verse by verse. In alliance with these myths, they write, there is a greater prospect of defeating the ‘myth of the twentieth century’ ( and several new myths in the 21st C).... #kluge #ideology https://www.krokodile.org.uk/post/701544310662987776/world-changing-rage
the ‘slaves’ (Hegel used the synonymously for workers, craftsmen) tried hard. Cheated out of mastery, they nursed - as in charcoal burners huts - their rage. In RAGE HOUSES , a kind of barn of the soul, they hoarded a RAGE CAPITAL in writing and pictures, a subjective societal crowbar (Kluge) #hegel #kluge #rage so it should be a social media
Wie kann ein Kühlschrank zur Cyberwaffe werden? Was hat #Cybersicherheit mit Außenpolitik zu tun? Und warum braucht Deutschland eine Daten-Botschaft? Diese Fragen beantworten Barbara #Kluge, zuständig für Cyber- und Informationssicherheit im Innenministerium, und Regine #Grienberger, Cyber-Botschafterin im Auswärtigen Amt, in der neuen Folge des #Podcasts "Aus Regierungskreisen". Hören Sie hier rein: https://bpaq.de/podcast-cybersicherheit
#cybersicherheit #Kluge #Grienberger #podcasts