Bedtime reading. My backup gaming group, the Knights of the Dinner Table, Bundle of Trouble volume two.
#KnightsOfTheDinnerTable #KotDT
#KnightsOfTheDinnerTable #kotdt
Got an RPG blog? Let me know about it.
Blogs will be the focus of my #KnightsOfTheDinnerTable column for Issue 302. I may not be able to fit every blog in the column ... but there are always future issues :)
This goes for 99c right now or the Basic on its own is nada nothing zilch.
Picked this #Hackmaster up along with #KnightsoftheDinnertable issue 300. :)
#Hackmaster #KnightsOfTheDinnerTable
@SJohnRoss I didn't realize you had cartoons in Dragon! I'm learning more and more about how much of your work was crucial to fostering my love of RPGs.
Also, that reminds me of one of my favorite #KnightsOfTheDinnerTable panels: