#KnowYourEnemy : #PragerU, #AbigailShrier #WTF
#LGBTQIAplus :newpride: :anqueer_flag:
#TransAndNonbinaryRightsAreHumanRights :heart_trans: :heart_nb:
#KnowYourEnemy #prageru #abigailshrier #wtf #lgbtqiaplus #stoptheattackontransboys #stoptheattackontranskids #transandnonbinaryrightsarehumanrights
Dem kann ich aus Erfahrung nur zustimmen!
#polizeigewalt #knowyourenemy #unverhältnismäßigkeit #aufdemrechtenaugeblind
#Polizeigewalt #KnowYourEnemy #unverhaltnismaßigkeit #AufDemRechtenAugeBlind
#KnowYourEnemy #GOPcrazytown in #DC #MAGACampus
#PaulSchwartzman of #WaPo talks to #MSNBC's #JonathanCopehart
Second story #PutinLockHimUp !! #ICC issues arrest warrant for #Putin
#KnowYourEnemy #gopcrazytown #dc #magacampus #paulschwartzman #Wapo #msnbc #jonathancopehart #putinlockhimup #icc #putin
#KnowYourEnemy #GOPcrazytown in #DC #MAGACampus
#PaulSchwartzman of #WaPo talks to #MSNBC's #JonathanCopehart
#KnowYourEnemy #gopcrazytown #dc #magacampus #paulschwartzman #Wapo #msnbc #jonathancopehart
#GOP have no 'grown-ups' in the room!
#USAShitShow #KnowYourEnemy
#GOPieceOfShit #farright
#AgendaOfOversightCommittee in #Congress
#GOP #USAShitShow #KnowYourEnemy #GOPieceOfShit #farright #agendaofoversightcommittee #congress
#GOP have no 'grown-ups' in the room!
#USAShitShow #KnowYourEnemy
#GOPieceOfShit #farright
#AgendaOfOversightCommittee in #Congress
#GOP #USAShitShow #KnowYourEnemy #GOPieceOfShit #farright #agendaofoversightcommittee #congress
#GOP have no 'grown-ups' in the room!
#GOP #USAShitShow #KnowYourEnemy #GOPieceOfShit
#KnowYourEnemy #MattWalsh #transphobe
By the way, it takes a real scumbag #farright to exploit the rape of a cis-het teen girl by her cis-het teen abusive ex-boyfriend and claim this has to do with #transyouth.
Stop the global attacks on #LGBTQIAplus people :anqueer_flag: :newpride:
#KnowYourEnemy #MattWalsh #transphobe #conservativesdontcareaboutkids #farright #transyouth #lgbtqiaplus
#KnowYourEnemy #MattWalsh #transphobe
By the way, it takes a real scumbag #farright to exploit the rape of a cis-het teen girl by her cis-het teen abusive ex-boyfriend and claim this has to do with #transyouth.
Stop the global attacks on #LGBTQIAplus people :anqueer_flag: :newpride:
#KnowYourEnemy #MattWalsh #transphobe #farright #transyouth #lgbtqiaplus
#KnowYourEnemy #MattWalsh #transphobe
By the way, it takes a real scumbag #farright to exploit the rape of a cis-het teen girl by her cis-het teen abusive ex-boyfriend and claim this has to do with #transyouth.
#KnowYourEnemy #MattWalsh #transphobe #farright #transyouth
25 Feb 2021
#farrightloonies #NoNazis FarRightGrifters
#exposingandyngo #andyngoisaschmuck #ngoyourenemy #KnowYourEnemy #farrightloonies #nonazis
Dear World:
This is the #transphobicshitshow a lot of #Britain is.
#KnowYourEnemy #HelenJoyce #KeirStarmerOUT
(One question: Why are the media resistant to booking POC transmen as experts ? Why not trans POCs ? Why are there never any Millenials or GenZ transpeople booked for these shows? Yes, I know those were 3 questions)
#transphobicshitshow #britain #KnowYourEnemy #helenjoyce #KeirStarmerOUT
Dear World:
This is the #transphobicshitshow a lot of #Britain is.
#KnowYourEnemy #HelenJoyce #KeirStarmerOUT
(One question: Why are the media resistant to booking POC transmen as experts ? Why not trans POCs ? Why are there never any Millenials or GenZ transpeople booked for these shows?
#transphobicshitshow #britain #KnowYourEnemy #helenjoyce #KeirStarmerOUT
Dear World:
This is the #transphobicshitshow a lot of #Britain is.
#transphobicshitshow #britain #KnowYourEnemy #helenjoyce #KeirStarmerOUT
#RuthBenGhiat author of #StrongMan talks to #MSNBC
explaining some of why people fall for this authoritarian rubbish
#authoritarianplaybook #farrightloonies #KnowYourEnemy #RuthBenGhiat #strongman #msnbc
No gods, no masters, no countries, no borders. Only community, solidarity, love and emancipation. They who would rule us can only do so with violence.
#ratm #KnowYourEnemy
Patriots Arise Peacefully if Possible, IF NOT POSSIBLE…
Two posts that Americans should read:
o The Revolution (by Ray DiLorenzo at CFP)
o Think The FBI Deserves The Benefit Of The Doubt? This Laundry List Of Corruption Should Make You Think Again (by TRISTAN JUSTICE at The Federalist)
“The Revolution” DiLorenzo is writing about IS NOT a violent Patriot uprising in response to the Dem-Marxist tyranny. Dem-Marxists are the insurrectionists. The next post is a dirty laundry list of reasons to NOT trust the law enforcement practices and agenda of the FBI… BE IN THE KNOW:
Anyone that will kill an innocent unborn baby will definitely kill you in the blink of an eye...