#KnowYourRights: If your prepayment meter runs low or runs out, you can use an emergency button on the meter to obtain a small amount of credit (typically worth £5).
Access the Fuel Rights Handbook for free for more detail:
RT @Praxis_Projects: If you are a migrant living in the UK, take a look at @migrants_rights #KnowYourRights Guide. This Guide can help you understand your rights + how to assert them, and includes themes such as healthcare, housing + no recourse to public funds.
To read more:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JeanLambertLDN/status/1589209714973642753
RT @UniteConsROI: #KnowYourRights on building sites!
All hours worked outside the ‘normal working day’ are subject to overtime.
If you notice any irregularities, contact your #UniteConstruction team today on 01-8980912. protect yourself, join a union https://join.unitetheunion.org/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/paulmurphy_TD/status/1577311714063925254
#KnowYourRights #UniteConstruction
RT @MaternityAction: MATERNITY PAY - do you #KnowYourRights?
Everything you need to know & all your questions answered, in this one info sheet.
👉 https://maternityaction.org.uk/advice/maternity-pay-questions/
#MaternityPay #MaternityAllowance #StatutoryMaternityPay #maternitybenefi
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JackieJonesWal1/status/1529068769355698176
#KnowYourRights #MaternityPay #MaternityAllowance #StatutoryMaternityPay #maternitybenefi
We’re very proud to have contributed to this #KnowYourRights guide 👇🏽
RT from Migrants' Rights Network (@migrants_rights)
🚨 Event today! 🚨 @OpenRightsGroup will be giving us a deep-dive into digital rights and its impact on migrants especially so you can #KnowYourRights.
Details and registration here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/know-your-rights-digital-rights-training-tickets-158702416199
Know Your Rights: la nostra nuova guida al diritto di Cittadinanza https://cild.eu/blog/2021/06/15/know-your-rights-la-nostra-nuova-guida-al-diritto-di-cittadinanza/ #Uguaglianzaeantidiscriminazione #KnowYourRights #knowyourrights #Cittadinanza #cittadinanza #Events
#events #cittadinanza #KnowYourRights #Uguaglianzaeantidiscriminazione
RT from Migrants' Rights Network (@migrants_rights)
🚨 Have you registered yet? 🚨 @OpenRightsGroup will be giving us a deep-dive into digital rights and its impact on migrants especially so you can #KnowYourRights.
Details and registration here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/know-your-rights-digital-rights-training-tickets-158702416199
Know Your Rights: la nostra nuova guida al diritto di Cittadinanza https://cild.eu/blog/2021/06/15/know-your-rights-la-nostra-nuova-guida-al-diritto-di-cittadinanza/ #Uguaglianzaeantidiscriminazione #KnowYourRights #knowyourrights #Cittadinanza #cittadinanza #Events
#events #cittadinanza #KnowYourRights #Uguaglianzaeantidiscriminazione
RT from Migrants' Rights Network (@migrants_rights)
🚨 Upcoming event alert! 🚨 @OpenRightsGroup will be giving us a deep-dive into digital rights and its impact on migrants especially so you can #KnowYourRights.
Details and registration here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/know-your-rights-digital-rights-training-tickets-158702416199
Know Your Rights riparte Online https://cild.eu/blog/2021/03/02/know-your-rights-riparte-online-2/ #KnowYourRights #knowyourrights #ProBono