Really looking forward to getting started on the #ReCurrentStudy KTA in December. We will be actioning lots of findings from the project, in collaboration with a range of knowledge users, & Translate Ireland 💜
#Miscarriage #RecurrentMiscarriage #PregnancyLoss #RecurrentPregnancyLoss #iKT #KnowledgeTranslation #KnowledgeMobilisation #PPI #PPIE
#recurrentstudy #miscarriage #recurrentmiscarriage #pregnancyloss #recurrentpregnancyloss #ikt #KnowledgeTranslation #knowledgemobilisation #ppi #ppie
Really looking forward to getting started on the #ReCurrentStudy KTA in December. We will be actioning lots of findings from the project, in collaboration with a range of knowledge users, & Translate Ireland 💜
#Miscarriage #RecurrentMiscarriage #PregnancyLoss #RecurrentPregnancyLoss #iKT #KnowledgeTranslation #KnowledgeMobilisation #PPI #PPIE
#recurrentstudy #miscarriage #recurrentmiscarriage #pregnancyloss #recurrentpregnancyloss #ikt #KnowledgeTranslation #knowledgemobilisation #ppi #ppie
👋 I'm Marita - based in Cork, Ireland.
Interested in all things, mainly: #MaternalandChildHealth
#InfantFeeding #Breastfeeding
#WeightStigma #FatStudies
#PublicHealth #Advocacy
#PPI #PPIE #CoDesign #CoPro
#ImpSci #KnowledgeTranslation
... ooh, & cats, & having the craic! 🐈 ☘️
#MaternalandChildHealth #pregnancyloss #InfantFeeding #breastfeeding #WeightStigma #fatstudies #menshealth #CDoH #coi #publichealth #advocacy #ppi #ppie #codesign #copro #sdoh #socialjustice #ImpSci #KnowledgeTranslation